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Friday, June 8, 2012

Much needed picture post

Quick catch up from....Easter?! Man, I'm way behind!

Not too sure about the bunny at the petting zoo

LOVES the park!

Easter Bunny came!

Loves his new laptop, but definitely prefers the real thing to his toy

Flashlight! Fascinated with lights :)

I feel like Easter morning is all about "bunny" type traditions and not about Jesus' resurrection. So, for breakfast we made resurrection rolls. Caleb read the Easter story out of Carter's Bible and then as a family we made these for breakfast. Carter was a great help! 

Carter wasn't too sure about eating cinnamon straight up!

While they were baking he had his first Easter hunt in the backyard! He did great!

They're empty, just like Jesus' tomb! 

Our little man on Easter morning

He went to get Uncle Stephen and Aunt Diana to come to church!

Then that afternoon he got to see all his cousins and have another easter egg hunt with money from Nana and  Papa!

Love this pic of Hayden and Carter playing the piano

Not the best pic, but there aren't too many pics of  Carter and I 

Loves to be pulled around in the laundry basket

First dinner at Chuy's! Loved it! (not sure how he made it this long without chuy's!)

water table!

Parrothead :). Fun Jimmy Buffet concert with Mom, Connie, and Ali!

bloody noses :(

roommate reunion in Abilene! Love these gals and the new babes :)

plays hard, sleeps good :)

he LOVES the motorized wheelchairs at the nursing home!

notice that big bruise on the right cheek?! 

summer fun!

riding the pony after a neighborhood 5K (this is where he sprained his ankle )

pat a cake with Grandpa!

Grandpa and GrandmaJo spoil this boy rotten!

these boys are getting SO fun to watch--they don't know quite how to play together, but they try! it's hilarious!

bike rides--"go this way mama"

vacuuming in action

first time at Chuck E Cheese! He LOVED it! 

Will climb onto pretty much anything these days

ready for the Kentucky Derby!

18 months!

I now have a one and a half year old. At what point do you start going by years (1 1/2) vs mos (18?). Hmm...

weight: 23 lbs, 10 ounces (24%)
height: 33 inches (70%)
size 4 diapers, mostly 18 mos clothes

EAT: Nothing too new. Thankfully he will now eat leftovers, but wants nothing to do with any veggies. Also getting picky with fruit--dude needs to figure out that summer means melons and berries!  I did find Dr. Praeger's broccoli bites which are like broccoli nugget things that I can get him to eat. Otherwise he won't even touch vegetables, ESPECIALLY green ones. Boo. Milk is also hit or miss, doc says we can try skim milk and see if he'll take more of it since all he'll pretty much drink is water...will update back!

LOVES trucks. Will want to read his truck book 30x/day. Fascinated with all kinds of trucks. I'm now that Mom that hears the garbage man and runs outside half dressed just because I know Carter will love it. The other day we were at the splash park and he just sat on the grass for a good 5 minutes, fascinated with the truck in the parking lot. He's also very into water, loves taking showers, playing with the water table, splash park, etc. It took him a while to warm up to the pool, but did enjoy it. We've only gone swimming a couple of times and Caleb has been with us--I'll be curious to see how we do solo. The vacuum has taken on an entire new obession this month. He wakes up asking for vacuum and asks for it a minimum of....80 times a day? Seriously, no exaggeration. He is no longer content watching me vacuum, he wants to vacuum.I've decided he just loves loud noises--loves to watch Caleb mow the yard as well, but gets mad when I don't let him outside (lawn dust + asthma is not a good combo, not to mention I've already seen 3 lawnmower accident kids "mowing" with their Daddies this summer at work). He's also very into getting in the front seat of our cars and pushing buttons, "driving" the steering wheel, etc. This morning he threw about a 15 minute tantrum just holding onto the door handle into the garage b/c we wouldn't let him play in the cars. (On a sidenote, this whole thing started with Caleb letting him play in his car and Carter on his own transferred it to my car--I didn't cave until yesterday!).  We're addressing spoon feeding and open cup drinking more, I would say one meal/day really work on it. I love his new school ("officially" started 6/4) and they only do open cups and utensils for meals. Language skills are still growing steady--he's not putting 2 words together yet (well, except "no, mama") but probably has close to 15 words-mama, dada, truck (tuk), water (wa wa), cracker (kae,kuh), banana (nana), uh oh, fish (iss), duck (duh), dog (dah, dah), no, yeah, chicken (titin), trash (tas), ??--he has his own version of "light" and "ball" which both sound like /dada/ :).

Is having a harder time going down at night, especially at unfamiliar places. He will sometimes cry off and on for 20 minutes before falling asleep. As soon as we walk in the room, he's totally fine, so I guess it's more related to not wanting to be my himself. Once he goes to sleep, he's still sleeping 730-7ish at night and will sleep 1230-2:30 or 3 most naps.

Had the 18 month check up and the doc says he's doing great! Thankfully no bouts of asthma, illness, or major injuries requiring medical attention this month! Woo hoo! Come on healthy summer!

Dear Carter Boy,
I love your big open mouth slobbery kisses, the way you repeat "yeah, yeah, yeah" when you want to do something, and the way you cross your little ankles when you sit in your booster seat. I love your determined little personality--although sometimes it wears mama out, I know you're going to do big things in this world and not give up easily in life. I love the way you go in front of the hall closet to throw tantrums, just because you need some alone time--I think you got that from mama :). You are super active and busy, just like your Daddy. You laugh so easily, it makes my day. Love you to the moon and back Carter bear!