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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Brooks is 6!


Dear My Brooksie Boy,


Today you are six. You woke up to streamers on your door, eager to go all by yourself to the donut store with Daddy. You picked out everyone's favorite donut, opened presents (Star Wars Mandalorian is a major theme), and hopped off to Kindergarten. Mommy couldn't bring you lunch because #covid but I packed you a special snack of goldfish with m&ms and a drawing on your baggie. You gave goodie bags to your friends at school and walked home to a yard full of tables and chairs. Your neighbor friends came over to celebrate you with an epic Star Wars cake and ice cream. A few rounds of beyblades and remote control car crashes later we hurried back up to school for Miss Hook's wedding shower on the playground. You wrestled your friends because you could actually touch them since it wasn't school hours! Orange chicken for dinner and Mandalorian with Daddy, your brothers, and a big bowl of popcorn (with baby Yoda in your lap) and your day was full!


I could not be more proud you at six B. You are thriving in Kindergarten, a natural leader in teaching all the boys "Who let the dogs out". You do not play favorites but make friends everywhere you go and have a sensitivity that sees someone being left out and invite them in. You have a tenacious spirit that comes out when you are tired and we all love it when you growl at your opponents on the soccer field! You still adore Abby and do anything for her/always look out for her. You love a good snuggle with Mommy and I soak in those moments at the beginning and ending of the day when you say "can we snuggle?" and crawl up on me with your head on my chest. You do not have it easy in our family. Your time at home with Mommy was cut short in March when big brothers went virtual for school and it's hard having 2 big brothers--you try to stay up late and get up early, you often lose in any game, race, wrestling match, and are used to being dragged to their games and activities. However, I've seen both sides this year....the side where it's really tough and you are constantly hoarse because of all your screaming and yelling and you have to go to bed at 6 pm BECAUSE 6 YEAR OLDS NEED SLEEP, but then the other side that has developed a tough shell and can go with your peers and thrive and lead because you get it, you get the underdog, you win the races, and you have equals. You are a social butterfly that comes home and immediately wants to go out and play with friends. You love collecting bugs and being in nature and having unstructured playtime. You love oatmeal and still are iffy on meats but down your veggies for coin flips every night. You love sports and are the first to play frisbee or baseball or soccer or a board game with Daddy. You are a fierce checkers player and legimately beat me most of the  time. You are super creative and love downtime to color and draw and let out your creative outlets. You see figures in the clouds and shapes in your food and I love seeing your creative mind come alive. You are rough and tumble and super tough but if there is blood you cannot function until you have a band aid. You love for me to read to you, are first to remind me if I forget to pray for you, and find ALL the reasons not to go to bed at night. You are our favorite six year old and I absolutely adore watching the little boy you are growing to be. God has gifted you with a strong spirit, a creative mind, and a sensitive heart that loves all people. I am so thankful to be your Mama. Happy birthday to our Bubby, B Bears, Brooksie Boy, B!

