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Monday, December 3, 2012


Birthdays are a big deal in our family. Not only do we prolong it by always celebrating the "birthday weekend" but the actual birthDAY is pretty much....whatever you want, you get. Of course, with a 2 year old there have to be a few exceptions but pretty much, we've made the day all about him and he's loving it :).

We started the celebration last weekend at the lakehouse where we celebrated Carter's and Hudson's bday with Caleb's side of the family. He loved everyone singing "happy birthday" and said "more! more!". He also has now found a big interest in opening presents! Grandpa came in last Thursday night and then GrandmaJo came in Friday so he was pretty much spoiled rotten--put the carseat in the convertible (in the backseat of course)so he went cruising in style, went to the park, NorthPark train exhibit, and LOTS o attention. On Saturday we had a fun truck themed party for him with his favorite foods, favorite things, and lots of favorite people. He had an absolute BLAST, and I have to say--I actually had a lot of fun myself! Today he woke up  to Caleb and I singing happy birthday and walked out of his decorated door. He got a cozy coupe car from us and LOVES it. Caleb took the morning off so we went for a big breakfast of pancakes then went to "gymnastics"--one of his very favorite places to jump, climb, run, and be crazy. We came home, had lunch, and then Mama caved--since it was his birthday, he wanted to be rocked and sung to and I indulged him until he fell asleep on my chest. I loved it. Such a sweet time to rock my baby boy, reminisce on the year,thank God for the blessing of being his mama, and pray over my sweet son, knowing God has big plans for his life. Tonight he's getting his favorite dinner of "chick chick roll" and will of course get it with a candle on the special day plate. What a day!

Dear Carter Boy,
You are TWO! This year you've really transformed from a baby to a toddler. You are a very active little boy and go and go while you're awake, but you also enjoy your sleep and don't really fight being put in bed. You love trucks, choo choo trains, vacuums, and anything that makes a loud noise. You love to eat and will pretty much eat anything if you can "dip" it--including green beans in ketchup! You have such a sweet spirit and do not like it when other children are crying or upset. When you get overstimulated, hurt, tired, or upset you put your left 2 fingers in your mouth and search for your chin cha. As soon as it is in your arms, you bring it to your face, and  all is better. You love songs and love when people sing to you and rock you in your rocking chair. You also love to read books but on your terms--most of the time, you flip the pages and we label the things we see. You are becoming quite the talker and will now typically speak in 3 word a constant "stream of consciousness" as Daddy calls it. You love your family and constantly ask where people are. You need people and things in their places to make sense of your little world. Of course you do throw a good tantrum when you don't get your way--most of the time they're pretty short and you can be redirected, but sometimes you go all out and put yourself in "time out" by the front door to calm down. I am so proud to be your Mama and have such a fun time watching as you explore and discover your world. I look forward to seeing you as a big brother--and seeing all that God has in store for you in this 3rd year of life!
Love to you the moon and back my Carter Bug,

Birthday party! Cake table--of note, he LOVES the little bottled waters and asks for them constantly. So, of course we had to have them for his party!

More food! Chick Fil A nuggets are another favorite--with truck toothpicks? Carter LOVED it, calling it "truck chick chick"

We had little construction hats and as soon as we told him it was time for his party he said "hat? hat? " and wore it a lot of the party! Ha!

Eating his food. Unfortunately, the cake pics are taking forever to download but let's just say the boy loved his cake this year and got to sit at this little table with friends!

Opening presents with MiMi after the party

Balloons are another favorite! Papa Burl made him this amazing chair he's sitting in...unfortunately, you can't see the detail but it will be treasured and passed down for sure!

Birthday boy on his birthday! Walking out of his room---we all kept taking turns walking through the streamers!

Mickey mouse pancake breakfast with Mommy and Daddy! He was supposed to be showing his 2 fingers, but it looks like Caleb is one of those Asian tourists :)


And here he is worn out from all the fun...after Mama rocked him to sleep :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back to the basics

Carter is napping. Caleb is at the gym. Little one is doing gymnastics in my belly. Pumpkin candles flickering, lights off but lamps on, David Crowder on Pandora, and I'm sitting here on the couch with an open Bible and my afghan and the Lord is bringing me back to the basics.

Luke 10:
25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]
28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

Jesus says--DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE. Love God. Love your neighbor. I so easily get wrapped up in the busyness and hustle and bustle of the world that I don't seek HIS face, I seek my own agenda, my to do list, my calendar. I make it about me.

As we approach the holidays, I'm so glad for this reminder. 

Thank you, Jesus, for your grace and mercy...and for these moments where you whisper and bring me back to you. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

23 months

Not too much is new, so I thought this post would be more of a likes/dislikes at this age....

-Going "bye bye".  The boy likes to GO, get out of the house. We typically have things scheduled mid-mornings on days we're home, but on the off chance we don't have anything to do (which Mama loves) Carter will ask to go "bye bye". Anywhere, please!
-Anything outdoors, especially parks. He likes wagon rides but now prefers to pull the wagon himself which turns the what was 10 min wagon ride around the block into about 30 mins. 
-Have I ever mentioned on here he likes trucks?! Caleb and I are about tired of reading truck books, but the boy can identify all kinds of trucks--bulldozer, cement truck, trash truck, mail truck, excavator, farm loader, crane....etc. The other morning when I told him it was time to get in the car for CCDC he remembered it was trash day and ran out to the alley to find the trash truck, as he remembers that on CCDC days (Mondays) the trash gets picked up. Crazy kid!
-Singing. He has actually started to be quite the snuggler and when he gets overstimulated or frustrated, really likes to be held and sung to He also knows who sings what songs and will tell you if you're "singing" someone elses song--ie: Swing low, sweet chariot is MiMi's song, "when I was a little bitty baby" is Grandpa's song, "You are my sunshine" is Mama's song (and he will NOT let MiMi sing it to him! Ha!). Caleb and I now lay on the floor with him at night instead of rocking (trying to work on that transition to the big boy room where there will not be a rocking chair!) and most nights will sing "He's got the whole world in his hands". Carter loves to tell us who to sing about next (ie: He's got Mama and Dada in his hands".). We also let him tell us who he wants to pray for every night. Typically he'll name family members but last night it was "moon, stars, and trucks". We thanked God for being Creator :). 
-putting things in the trash, especially the big trashcan outside
-Knowing where people are. I can't tell you how many times a day we go through discussing where people are! "Dada, work" is probably said atleast 50 times a day, no exaggeration. 
-Naming everything he sees. Caleb calls it "Carter's running commentary" but he pretty much is constantly talking and labeling. As the SLP in me, I'm proud to see his language development, but must document that he has a lot of phonological processes going on--final consonant deletion on ALL words and fronting which are still age appropriate but should be going away somewhat soon. 
-picking out his pajamas at night, Elmo is by far the favorite
-Elmo's world. Does not like Elmo the musical or Elmo with the other characters.  Just Elmo's world with Dorothy and Mr. Noodle. And LOVES the part with the baby that is all of 10 seconds but asks to rewind it over and over. He only gets to watch Elmo during breathing treatments, so thankfully now gets excited for breathing treatments. 
-Babies--very into babies (real) these days. We got him a baby doll and he doesn't really care about it. 
-"driving" cars
-his chin cha
-reading books--but prefers labeling the pictures in books to actually having someone read the words
-Chick fil A
-anything train related
-getting to ride the trucks after we grocery shop (but has to make good choices)
-using his Elmo fork and spoon--he actually can use his fork pretty well now with large pieces of food (ie: chicken, strawberries, green beans, etc) 
-people coming to visit

-being told no
-Mommy leaving him--for some reason has been in a stage the last week or so of being more clingy to Mama, not sure if he senses ensuing baby?!
-us stirring his yogurt before we give it to him
-messes or trash being on him or on the ground (ie: the smallest little leaf will drive him nuts!)
-someone not doing what he wants exactly when he wants it done
-being at home all day
-lots of stimulation for prolonged time--he is like his mama and recharges with alone time so he will go by himself or ask to go to bed in overly stimulating situations (ie: Halloween night)
-getting his diaper changed before nap--the only diaper change he fights, it's typically because he knows we're going upstairs to rock and gets confused when I try to change him 

On the health note for my own record, this past week has been rough. Last Thursday he got a stomach bug which was short lived. For the past week or so he's been having a lot more asthma symptoms so we're back to double breathing treatments 2-3x/day to try to keep it under control, hoping for no oral steroids ALL fall/winter! He has his 2 year molars but still drools like crazy. Did find out he's missing 2 teeth just like his Daddy, so need to start saving now for all the orthodontics that will be in his future :). 

*In case I never get to a Halloween post since I'm so far behind on my photos, I did want to document a very "Carter" moment on Halloween. We went to a party and I took him to a few houses to trick or treat. One of the houses had a scary looking cemetary scene with skeletons in the yard. Carter just went up to each skeleton saying "night night"--LOVED this picture of innocence, not knowing it was supposed to be scary. 

Carter Boy,
You are still my little one year old boy. Sometimes you act so big and independent and want to do things all by yourself, but most of the time you still want Mama there to help you. When you get sad or frustrated, you still ask for your chin-cha and that does the trick. I've noticed that when you're really frustrated you do best if I squat down and talk to you on your level then hold you--I think you just need some reassurance. You're becoming a little more aware that baby brother is coming but still don't quite understand what that means. We turned your carseat around in Mommy's car this week and we both love having you face forward. You now love to tell me everything you see since the forward world has opened up to you (and you will also be Mama's accountability for not talking on the phone while driving because you demand my attention!). You've started grabbing my hand to take me where you want to go but still haven't quite figured out to come to me when you want something--you'll just yell and name what you want until I eventually respond or you give up in a tantrum. I love your sweet spirit and how it really bothers you if someone else is crying or upset--sometimes you even try to give away your chin cha to make them feel better. Your Daddy and I love just watching you play and hearing you say new things everyday. I love your little personality and your innocence, praying it stays for a long time.
Love you to the moon and back my sweet boy,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Loving Fall!

I've neglected the 22 month post, so briefly....

Carter is adding more and more words to his vocabulary daily. He's also starting to imitate what we say--so the other morning Caleb said to me "hi baby" and Carter looked at me and said "hi baby!".Haha.  He's got such a good memory, I know it will serve him well but I'm kinda scared about all he will remember and be able to tell about :). He's as busy as ever. The other day his daily report card came home checked "talkative, curious, and busy" with a handwritten comment "very!!!" next to busy :). He has started this stage where sometimes he gets frustrated because he doesn't know what he wants. He'll say he wants yogurt (wower), I'll get him yogurt and he throws it on the ground scraming "no!!!". I think it's a communication barrier, but man, it's frustrating for both of us. He's also started a little bit of whining intonation, especially with the word yes in response to questions. Oh goodness, bring on the 2s! For the most part though, he's still a very flexible, happy, busy, active little boy who loves food, trucks, songs (very into finger plays--although I have yet to get itsy bitsy spider on video, he "conducts" to the song and it cracks me up every time!), anything water, and anything outside (as long as he can explore and is not strapped into a stroller). Yep, ALL BOY and I'm loving this age.

Although this post is very much focused on Carter these days, my few blog followers may be wondering what the rest of this 'lil family is up to?

Caleb is training for another marathon, scheduled to run Dallas in December and Boston in April. He's very disciplined with his training, gets up 5-6 mornings/week (at 5 am!) to run so he can be home in time to shower and eat breakfast before Carter wakes up. We do still have breakfast together in the mornings around 6:45 am and have some "us" time before Caleb gets Carter around 7:15 or so. I'm very impressed by Caleb's work/life balance. He is doing great things at work and works very hard, but also makes it a priority to be home by 6:45 every night to have dinner and some family time. We've been doing more neighborhood walks after dinner lately which have been nice with the cooler weather. He still makes sure he watches the Horns and wears his orange every Saturday and has been to 2 games this season--both of our losses (W VA and, maybe he's not good luck?!). We're re-modeling our dining room and has taken on some projects being Mr. Handyman as well--everytime Carter goes in the dining room he STILL (3 weeks later!) points at the light fixture Caleb hung and says "wow, dada!". Caleb is an awesome Daddy and I love to turn the monitor on loud in the mornings and hear Caleb and Carter reading books, doing puzzles, and getting ready (but that's my little secret which I guess is now out of the bag..). He's also a great hubby and encourages me to rest and "take it easy", and even gives me compliments on how I look even though I feel like a whale these days :)!

I'm still working 2 days/week at CMC. I've been primarily in the NICU for the past 3 months as we opened up a new wing and the NICU caseload exploded, but thankfully a former colleague has returned and taken on the NICU so I'm back floating which I definitely prefer :). I'm actually doing a lot of training right now which is fine--keeps me on my toes but also is a little tiring having someone constantly watching my every move :). I'm enjoying MOPS every other Friday and feel so refreshed physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually after just a few hours of encouragement and talks with other Moms. I still host Bible study at our house on Wednesday nights and right now we're doing a study on the names of God by Kay Arthur--very challenging, very good. Otherwise, just loving being a wife and Mom and starting to feel the nesting instinct as we transition Carter to his big boy room to make way for baby boy in the nursery! Oh, and peeps...I'm a real city girl now. I started riding the DART light rail to work and I LOVE it! And of course, Carter thinks I'm the coolest mom in the world because I take him on the choo choo :). Yes, I drive to the park and ride, get on the train and ride to work by myself and it's some nice "me" time. After work, I ride to the downtown station which just happens to be at the doorstep of Carter's little school, I pick him up, and we ride it home. It's ah-mazing! Instead of taking 45 mins of stressful traffic with a cranky toddler in the backseat, it is 25 mins of Carter sitting in my lap, reading books, talking about what we see (yesterday he saw the light in the tunnel and insisted it was the moon; he also likes to talk about the people on the train and what they're doing...and that can get interesting, as DART breeds an interesting crowd!)! We're going on 2 weeks now, so we'll see how long it lasts...I'm hoping through December, then I'll start taking my car to work as I hit 36 weeks :).

Ok, enough chatter, onto fall pics via the iphone, so ignore the quality...

Our little conductor playing with the trains at Grandpa's house

family photo in orange

ready for first game of the season!

1st day of CCDC!

baking cupcakes with Mommy is fun...

...until she takes the batter away and makes me clean up!

haha, so mad

no fear in bounce houses anymore! this is one of those inflatable obstacle courses--he was by far the youngest by about 2 years, but he didn't care!

riding the "choo choo" with Daddy at the LHAECPTA (our neighborhood preschool group) back to school kick off party

first day of CCDC report

loves to throw toys down the stairs. what fun1

So, since I'm chronicling life here--this is Grandpa and Carter in the pediatrician's office, waiting to get his elbow (right) popped back into place :). Sweet boy got "nursemaid elbow" (aka, elbow pulled out of socket) but was a champ and totally fine right after it was popped back!

just love this picture--one of our outings to the Safari Park and the ball pit

sporting the longhorn scrubs for the longhorn win! these have been through the 4 boy cousins--and we'll keep for the 5th! Thanks Nana!

First trip to the State Fair of Texas--and his favorite part? The car show and "driving" cars. We even made a 2nd trip down and spent an hour "driving" trucks!

LOVED his first "ride ride" with his buddy :)

Neighborhood pumpkin painting party

While Daddy went to the game, Carter had a slumber party with grandparents and Mommy had a girl's weekend! Ali and I being silly in the hotel lobby :)

So, my pumpkin patch pics are thankfully much better on my camera than iphone--but what is fall without a trip to the Arboretum pumpkin patch?!

most fun thing to do? walk up and down the stairs of course!

oh...and swing, while Mommy prays that elbow stays in socket! (it did!)

FIRST trip on the DART to the State Fair--he was all smiles, and this is what prompted our  commuter status!

Daily wagon rides in the neighborhood

reading books with Daddy

Of course "driving trucks" and playing with Uncle Stephen--this is a friend's hummer and Carter LOVED it.

Annual OU weekend picture--this was when everyone was still smiling pregame!

And our little group :). Margaret and Baby Claire did not brave the game but we still had fun pre-game. Even though the game itself was less than entertaining, we endured the beating and stayed for the Eyes. Love that this tradition is still strong...hopefully for many years to come!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

And baby makes 4!

You read that right! Although I feel like anyone who reads this blog has heard our big news in some form or fashion, I'm ready to start documenting on baby boy #2 for all of cyberspace to see!

I'm ending 23 weeks this week...which to most people would think "great! you've reached viability!". However, for my NICU working self, I think the next 10 weeks are probably going to be the hardest mentally. However, throughout this pregnancy thus far I've been reminded sooo many times that God is this baby's Creator, He is knitting him perfectly in the womb and God's timing is perfect. I pray that little man waits to make his appearance in February (Feb 12 is due date), and have no reason why he shouldn't, but am learning daily already to turn this little life over to the Lord and trust HIM.

This pregnancy has been very different than with Carter. I was more nauseous for longer--lasted about weeks 5 through 12. I'm not sure if I'm more tired this time because of pregnancy or because I'm also chasing around a 22 month old. I also had complications around 16 weeks that landed me some physical restrictions for a while, but those have been lifted. I'm not running or exercising like I did with Carter, but also feel like daily wagon rides around the block, etc give me a little exercise so I don't totally die during labor :).

We are still having daily discussions regarding little man's name. I feel like there are more rules this time (ie: no other presidents, etc). We've decided if we like a name and tell the other, instead of the other rejecting it immediately they say "I'll think about it" and let it soak a day or 2 :).

I've gotten a lot of comments regarding "was this planned?" "do you realize how hard it will be to have them so close?", etc. My favorite was at the grocery store last week when Carter was in the cart and a random lady came up to me "Darling, they sure will be close!" in a you-are-completely-crazy tone. Yes, I know they will be close, 26 months, but that's not SUPER close. I realize it will be hard. But I also think it will be so fun for them--brothers, buddies, hopefully best friends for life :).

Carter knows, but doesn't really know. It will completely rock his little world, but he'll be fine. He does kiss his baby brother goodnight every night by kissing my belly, so cute :). We also got him a little baby doll and he's very into babies--won't really touch them, just go up to them and say "hi baby!".

So, little man, we can't wait to have you join our family (we actually can...keep on cooking!) and know you will bring so much joy to this home! So glad God has blessed us with another son and now I can start publicly doting on all the things you do :).

Friday, September 7, 2012

21 months

Although I feel like now the monthly changes aren't drastic like they were in the 0-12 month phase, I want to keep up the monthly posts until 24 months...then will likely go quarterly.  Our little man at 21 months:

18-24 month tops, still 12 month shorts, size 4 shoes but want to go buy him new shoes for fall
size 4 diapers

Still less picky which is good and bad. He has always been a "beggar baby" and asked for whatever we're (or anyone else in sight) is eating. We used to be able to give him a taste and he would stick out his tongue and spit to show he didn't like it then never beg again. However, now with most things he likes and will ask for "more, more"---which is not great when it's something like a soda :). Doesn't require praise for eating canned green beans anymore, just eats them as a favorite food and always asks for seconds. I do think his love language is words of affirmation. One night we were eating watermelon and he took a taste then didn't like it. Caleb started praising him (all out clapping, woo woo, etc) and poor kid was almost gagging but smiling so big he would keep eating bites to get the praise. Still pretty much eats what we eat for lunch and dinner. Breakfast is usually cheerios or waffle with fruit or yogurt. ,On days I'm home Carter and I eat lunch together, and we always try to eat dinner as a family.

Nothing too new in the play department--anything active (parks, gymnastics, outside), trucks/cars, balls, or construction these days! He also loves his friend Max and we cannot tell him if he will see Max until about 20 mins before because he will repeatedly say "Ma? Ma?" and get all giddy until he sees him. When he does see him, he usually giggles, runs up to him, and starts poking him in the face..ha! We also got him his own electric toothbrush because he was begging to use our Sonicare toothbrushes on a more than daily basis and that started grossing Caleb out.

I've started keeping a list of words Carter says on my phone, but he's definitely hit that point of saying atleast 3 or 4 new words a day. Last night Caleb was pointing to body parts and Carter said eye, nose, mouth which usually he will only point to. So, I think we're getting close to 100 words by now. He's also really putting 2 words together--most commonly with "uh oh" (ie: uh oh chin cha=he dropped his blanket, uh oh choo=he took his shoes off in the carseat and can't get them) and possessives (ie: mama choo, mama chin cha). He's consistently following 2 step commands and his memory is CRAZY good. This morning he grabbed a jewelry case that my great Nana gave me at her house over a month ago--he hadn't seen it since, but started saying "Nana? Nana?'.  Once he will be able to say things he remembers I think it will get mama in trouble...telling Daddy about all of our "secret" chick fil a dates :).

Nothing too new, still not great with the fork/spoon. Climbing more and more. Becoming a lot more independent at the park...I think we're almost to that age where I can observe from the bench vs hover...glorious!

Sleep is still the same, although pushing later bedtime at night. Now it's closer to 8 most nights. He all of a sudden is very into rocking which Caleb and I LOVE. He'll sit all snuggled while we rock and sing. If we try to put him in his bed, he'll look at you "rock? rock?". So, this mama will sometimes sit and rock him for 20 mins knowing that this is not going to last long at all :). I also love watching him on the monitor. He will sit and "read" his books in bed for up to an hour at naptime before falling asleep. He's started imitating some of the things I say in books and it's hilarious to hear him up in his own little world :).

Went to the pulmonologist this month and realized his glucose was checked and is normal. So, my fret about the diabetes since he drinks so much water is clear! We went down on his advair to the 45/21 dose, except in flare ups. He did have a flare up this past weekend--we went to Austin and Lake Whitney but the cough didn't start until Lake Whitney. He then got sent home with 104 fever on Tuesday from school, but as soon as the fever was under control with tylenol it never came back and he was back to his happy self on Wednesday. Weird. Anyway, we're still doing breathing treatments right now, but all seems under control. I'm wondering if there is something in Whitney that sets off his asthma? Carter loves Elmo and now will not fight breathing treatments at all if "melmo" is on. It's great for breathing treatments, but really trying to limit Elmo to breathing treatments although it's tempting to turn on when Mama needs a break :).

Carter Bug,
Your teachers at school say you are the little helper of the class. You love to help Mama at home as well. You get so excited when I unlatch the dishwasher because you get to unload the dishes. Anytime Mama is doing dishes or cooking, you ask for your stool (tool) so you can help. You rarely fight picking up your toys downstairs or in the bathtub anymore which is a huge help to mama. You still get mad when you don't get your way and believe me buddy, you throw a good tantrum. On the floor, kicking and screaming. Many times when we're at home and you get mad, you put yourself in time out--just go by the front or back door and don't want Mama to come until you're ready. When you're out, you ask for your "chin cha" and that seems to calm you down. You love to "go" and love to be around friends. You love your grandparents and ask about all of them on a daily basis--we usually say they're at "work". You start your toddler mother's day out school next week and today we went to Meet the Teacher. You weren't so sure about it and just clung to Mama's leg the whole time. Although this isn't normal behavior for you, it shows me how you still need your Mama and her comfort---and that makes me happy :). Love you little the moon and back! Mama

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer Picture Post Overload

I finally sat down and uploaded all photos...they were backed up to May. So, since we are approaching Labor Day, here is our official summer in photos:

Lots of ping pong-ing at the lakehouse

Very into "driving" cars

lots of bike rides

and LOTS of vacuuming! and trying to "ride ride" all things these days :)

Mommy "got"Western Cabin while Daddy and Carter had "boys weekend"

a whole lot of water table play

visiting Great Nana at rehab and pushing her wheelchair

trying to stay cool with indoor duck watching/fountains at Northpark

helping Mommy wash dishes

LOTS of indoor fun at "gymnastics" all summer!

shirtless eating

Mommy made Daddy homemade spicy pickles for father's day

the finished product!

water fountains with Daddy

Have I mentioned this boy LOVES to eat?

Annual father's day photo shoot

Enjoyed watching quite a few rainstorms

Lots of getting spoiled by grandparents and great grandparents

LOVE this sweet picture--this is a week before Mamie got diagnosed with cancer :(

Summer shrimp boils? Yes please!

Family game nights

poolside fun

new big boy bed....I'm scared to move him into it, but we have it!

Mommy's little helper...putting away silverware (sans steak knives) is Carter's chore  :) (look at those ribs! this is why Caleb calls him "skinny fat"--ribs + big belly!

Mommy took Carter to the neighborhood 4th of July parade...Daddy was sick :(. Carter LOVED all the big trucks!

petting zoo afterwards...he was much more interested in the trailers the animals came in than the animals themselves!

must cool off!

I just love this picture--he "recharges" with his chin cha

more vacuuming? yes, please!

We went to visit Mamie and Grandaddy in Roscoe---and Grandpa and Grandma Jo came too! Lots of spoiling!

LOVES his "new truck" his friend Josh gave him. Begs to play with this on an....hourly basis?

First time at "big church" for the music...he lasted 2 songs. Kept saying "uh oh" when the screens would go blank (for prayers, etc)

Just to continue the summer chronicle we are re-doing our dining room. Hired a fancy decorator and all :). Finished product to come!

We have lots of entertainment by all the trucks around here...trash trucks, and lately lots of roofers after a big hail storm! Carter LOVES it and begs to go outside for the "truck" and the "may may" (hammers)

LOVES to read...will sit and read books for 30 mins

haha, love this sweet face

But it's not ALL smiles....I was THAT MOM in the grocery store with a screaming kid but kept on going!

Very into feeding himself yogurt...will not let anyone attempt to help him!

Bob rides when it's not 100+ outside!

Family pool time

Loves to swing...we go to the splash park but he much prefers the  regular park to the splash park 

Helping Nana celebrate an early birthday in Tyler

And last but not least, Carter and I took the trolley around downtown last week. He LOVED it. Did not want to get off. Was completely in awe the entire time...this is a look of fascination, not of fear :). We must do again, free entertainment!