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Sunday, October 21, 2012

And baby makes 4!

You read that right! Although I feel like anyone who reads this blog has heard our big news in some form or fashion, I'm ready to start documenting on baby boy #2 for all of cyberspace to see!

I'm ending 23 weeks this week...which to most people would think "great! you've reached viability!". However, for my NICU working self, I think the next 10 weeks are probably going to be the hardest mentally. However, throughout this pregnancy thus far I've been reminded sooo many times that God is this baby's Creator, He is knitting him perfectly in the womb and God's timing is perfect. I pray that little man waits to make his appearance in February (Feb 12 is due date), and have no reason why he shouldn't, but am learning daily already to turn this little life over to the Lord and trust HIM.

This pregnancy has been very different than with Carter. I was more nauseous for longer--lasted about weeks 5 through 12. I'm not sure if I'm more tired this time because of pregnancy or because I'm also chasing around a 22 month old. I also had complications around 16 weeks that landed me some physical restrictions for a while, but those have been lifted. I'm not running or exercising like I did with Carter, but also feel like daily wagon rides around the block, etc give me a little exercise so I don't totally die during labor :).

We are still having daily discussions regarding little man's name. I feel like there are more rules this time (ie: no other presidents, etc). We've decided if we like a name and tell the other, instead of the other rejecting it immediately they say "I'll think about it" and let it soak a day or 2 :).

I've gotten a lot of comments regarding "was this planned?" "do you realize how hard it will be to have them so close?", etc. My favorite was at the grocery store last week when Carter was in the cart and a random lady came up to me "Darling, they sure will be close!" in a you-are-completely-crazy tone. Yes, I know they will be close, 26 months, but that's not SUPER close. I realize it will be hard. But I also think it will be so fun for them--brothers, buddies, hopefully best friends for life :).

Carter knows, but doesn't really know. It will completely rock his little world, but he'll be fine. He does kiss his baby brother goodnight every night by kissing my belly, so cute :). We also got him a little baby doll and he's very into babies--won't really touch them, just go up to them and say "hi baby!".

So, little man, we can't wait to have you join our family (we actually can...keep on cooking!) and know you will bring so much joy to this home! So glad God has blessed us with another son and now I can start publicly doting on all the things you do :).


Unknown said...

So excited for yall!!! TOTALLY with you on the "no more president names" :)" LOVE YALL!

Alison said...

Woohoo!!! Woods x4!!!! First of all, very handsome baby picture already! I can tell he will be super speedy around the lake. Second, I can't believe someone would give you lip about the spacing! It will be PERFECT and wonderful and SOOOO fun for you all! They will be such great buds growing up and it is hard no matter what the age difference. Third, glad you can get your wagon rides in. Forth, I hear ya about the NICU fears. Hang in there, my dear. And visit the NB nursery if you need to. Man, I had a lot to say. This is why we need to have lunch or dinner VERY soon. Ok, that is all.