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Friday, September 7, 2012

21 months

Although I feel like now the monthly changes aren't drastic like they were in the 0-12 month phase, I want to keep up the monthly posts until 24 months...then will likely go quarterly.  Our little man at 21 months:

18-24 month tops, still 12 month shorts, size 4 shoes but want to go buy him new shoes for fall
size 4 diapers

Still less picky which is good and bad. He has always been a "beggar baby" and asked for whatever we're (or anyone else in sight) is eating. We used to be able to give him a taste and he would stick out his tongue and spit to show he didn't like it then never beg again. However, now with most things he likes and will ask for "more, more"---which is not great when it's something like a soda :). Doesn't require praise for eating canned green beans anymore, just eats them as a favorite food and always asks for seconds. I do think his love language is words of affirmation. One night we were eating watermelon and he took a taste then didn't like it. Caleb started praising him (all out clapping, woo woo, etc) and poor kid was almost gagging but smiling so big he would keep eating bites to get the praise. Still pretty much eats what we eat for lunch and dinner. Breakfast is usually cheerios or waffle with fruit or yogurt. ,On days I'm home Carter and I eat lunch together, and we always try to eat dinner as a family.

Nothing too new in the play department--anything active (parks, gymnastics, outside), trucks/cars, balls, or construction these days! He also loves his friend Max and we cannot tell him if he will see Max until about 20 mins before because he will repeatedly say "Ma? Ma?" and get all giddy until he sees him. When he does see him, he usually giggles, runs up to him, and starts poking him in the face..ha! We also got him his own electric toothbrush because he was begging to use our Sonicare toothbrushes on a more than daily basis and that started grossing Caleb out.

I've started keeping a list of words Carter says on my phone, but he's definitely hit that point of saying atleast 3 or 4 new words a day. Last night Caleb was pointing to body parts and Carter said eye, nose, mouth which usually he will only point to. So, I think we're getting close to 100 words by now. He's also really putting 2 words together--most commonly with "uh oh" (ie: uh oh chin cha=he dropped his blanket, uh oh choo=he took his shoes off in the carseat and can't get them) and possessives (ie: mama choo, mama chin cha). He's consistently following 2 step commands and his memory is CRAZY good. This morning he grabbed a jewelry case that my great Nana gave me at her house over a month ago--he hadn't seen it since, but started saying "Nana? Nana?'.  Once he will be able to say things he remembers I think it will get mama in trouble...telling Daddy about all of our "secret" chick fil a dates :).

Nothing too new, still not great with the fork/spoon. Climbing more and more. Becoming a lot more independent at the park...I think we're almost to that age where I can observe from the bench vs hover...glorious!

Sleep is still the same, although pushing later bedtime at night. Now it's closer to 8 most nights. He all of a sudden is very into rocking which Caleb and I LOVE. He'll sit all snuggled while we rock and sing. If we try to put him in his bed, he'll look at you "rock? rock?". So, this mama will sometimes sit and rock him for 20 mins knowing that this is not going to last long at all :). I also love watching him on the monitor. He will sit and "read" his books in bed for up to an hour at naptime before falling asleep. He's started imitating some of the things I say in books and it's hilarious to hear him up in his own little world :).

Went to the pulmonologist this month and realized his glucose was checked and is normal. So, my fret about the diabetes since he drinks so much water is clear! We went down on his advair to the 45/21 dose, except in flare ups. He did have a flare up this past weekend--we went to Austin and Lake Whitney but the cough didn't start until Lake Whitney. He then got sent home with 104 fever on Tuesday from school, but as soon as the fever was under control with tylenol it never came back and he was back to his happy self on Wednesday. Weird. Anyway, we're still doing breathing treatments right now, but all seems under control. I'm wondering if there is something in Whitney that sets off his asthma? Carter loves Elmo and now will not fight breathing treatments at all if "melmo" is on. It's great for breathing treatments, but really trying to limit Elmo to breathing treatments although it's tempting to turn on when Mama needs a break :).

Carter Bug,
Your teachers at school say you are the little helper of the class. You love to help Mama at home as well. You get so excited when I unlatch the dishwasher because you get to unload the dishes. Anytime Mama is doing dishes or cooking, you ask for your stool (tool) so you can help. You rarely fight picking up your toys downstairs or in the bathtub anymore which is a huge help to mama. You still get mad when you don't get your way and believe me buddy, you throw a good tantrum. On the floor, kicking and screaming. Many times when we're at home and you get mad, you put yourself in time out--just go by the front or back door and don't want Mama to come until you're ready. When you're out, you ask for your "chin cha" and that seems to calm you down. You love to "go" and love to be around friends. You love your grandparents and ask about all of them on a daily basis--we usually say they're at "work". You start your toddler mother's day out school next week and today we went to Meet the Teacher. You weren't so sure about it and just clung to Mama's leg the whole time. Although this isn't normal behavior for you, it shows me how you still need your Mama and her comfort---and that makes me happy :). Love you little the moon and back! Mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how the language section seems to indicate that mama has a blanket, also ;)Can't wait to see this guy soon. -Chelsea