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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer Picture Post Overload

I finally sat down and uploaded all photos...they were backed up to May. So, since we are approaching Labor Day, here is our official summer in photos:

Lots of ping pong-ing at the lakehouse

Very into "driving" cars

lots of bike rides

and LOTS of vacuuming! and trying to "ride ride" all things these days :)

Mommy "got"Western Cabin while Daddy and Carter had "boys weekend"

a whole lot of water table play

visiting Great Nana at rehab and pushing her wheelchair

trying to stay cool with indoor duck watching/fountains at Northpark

helping Mommy wash dishes

LOTS of indoor fun at "gymnastics" all summer!

shirtless eating

Mommy made Daddy homemade spicy pickles for father's day

the finished product!

water fountains with Daddy

Have I mentioned this boy LOVES to eat?

Annual father's day photo shoot

Enjoyed watching quite a few rainstorms

Lots of getting spoiled by grandparents and great grandparents

LOVE this sweet picture--this is a week before Mamie got diagnosed with cancer :(

Summer shrimp boils? Yes please!

Family game nights

poolside fun

new big boy bed....I'm scared to move him into it, but we have it!

Mommy's little helper...putting away silverware (sans steak knives) is Carter's chore  :) (look at those ribs! this is why Caleb calls him "skinny fat"--ribs + big belly!

Mommy took Carter to the neighborhood 4th of July parade...Daddy was sick :(. Carter LOVED all the big trucks!

petting zoo afterwards...he was much more interested in the trailers the animals came in than the animals themselves!

must cool off!

I just love this picture--he "recharges" with his chin cha

more vacuuming? yes, please!

We went to visit Mamie and Grandaddy in Roscoe---and Grandpa and Grandma Jo came too! Lots of spoiling!

LOVES his "new truck" his friend Josh gave him. Begs to play with this on an....hourly basis?

First time at "big church" for the music...he lasted 2 songs. Kept saying "uh oh" when the screens would go blank (for prayers, etc)

Just to continue the summer chronicle we are re-doing our dining room. Hired a fancy decorator and all :). Finished product to come!

We have lots of entertainment by all the trucks around here...trash trucks, and lately lots of roofers after a big hail storm! Carter LOVES it and begs to go outside for the "truck" and the "may may" (hammers)

LOVES to read...will sit and read books for 30 mins

haha, love this sweet face

But it's not ALL smiles....I was THAT MOM in the grocery store with a screaming kid but kept on going!

Very into feeding himself yogurt...will not let anyone attempt to help him!

Bob rides when it's not 100+ outside!

Family pool time

Loves to swing...we go to the splash park but he much prefers the  regular park to the splash park 

Helping Nana celebrate an early birthday in Tyler

And last but not least, Carter and I took the trolley around downtown last week. He LOVED it. Did not want to get off. Was completely in awe the entire time...this is a look of fascination, not of fear :). We must do again, free entertainment!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved seeing all of your pictures! So cute! Looks like yall have had a busy summer!