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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Isaac-11 months

9-12 month clothes, size 2 shoe but it's tight, size 3 diapers 

At the beginning of December Isaac was eating 1/2 breastmilk, 1/2 formula but with the stress of the holidays and big bro being in hospital, my supply tanked. On Christmas Day, Isaac had his last nursing session and has been formula fed since. He really doesn't care what is in the bottle, as long as he is fed, he is happy! He is now taking an 8 oz bottle 3x/day (wake up, 11:30ish, and 4ish) and then will eat breakfast around 9, lunch around 12, and dinner around 6:30. He typically will eat enough at dinner that he doesn't get a nighttime bottle. He went through a phase where he only wanted baby food, so right after Christmas we laid down the eat what the family eats. He has done awesome. He eats pork chops, chicken, beans, broccolli, bbq, taco meat...really, whatever we're eating gets put on his tray. If he eats, great. If not, too bad :). Breakfast is still more "baby" food-ish--not jarred, but will mix baby oatmeal with applesauce, yogurt, orange slices, muffins (he loves breads!), pancakes, etc. He loves graham crackers and ritz crackers, by far his favorite snacks right now. He drinks water from a sippy. I'm going to attempt to transition to formula in a sippy after his afternoon nap and see how it goes. Hope to be on all sippy by 1 year, but the boy LOVES his bottle and has no other lovey, so Mama hates to take away the one thing he loves. He still cries when his bottle his taken away....every. time. 

Pulling up and cruising everywhere. Favorite toy is the slide upstairs (he climbs up the slide and the stairs and will sit and clap for himself but not slide down) and kazoos. He also loves the maracas and the plastic flutes/recorders. He loves the vacuum and tries to pull up on it/cries when I take it away. He wants whatever Carter has. He is SUPER curious and sneaky about it...for example, he wanted the trashcan in the bathroom and I kept telling him no, closed bathroom door, and put him in the living room. Well, about 30 mins later Carter went potty and left bathroom door open and Isaac darted as fast as he could to that trashcan. He will de-baby proof by pulling out plug covers and pulling off padding on the fireplace. He loves to go up the stairs, and will dart for the stairs anytime the gate is left open. He actually does pretty well going up stairs, but needs someone behind him just in case. He is babbling like crazy and I would say his official first word is "mama". He also will mimic dada, night night, and bye bye but those are not consistent. He claps and waves bye bye. He is inconsistent on signing more and all done. If he wants something, his go to form of communication is grunting and yelling at you to get your attention. He hates the carseat and arches everytime you put him in the car. 

Trying to drop the morning nap. About 50% of the time will nap from 8-8:45 then consistently naps from 12ish-1:30 or 2. I'm trying to prolong that afternoon nap, and some days he will do a good 2-2.5 hour afternoon nap, but typically closer to 1.5 hours. Sleeps great at night from 7:30-7. 

No big issues. Has 2 upper and 2 lower teeth. Had the typical baby sniffles and runny nose, but otherwise (fingers crossed!) he's been healthy through this flu/RSV nightmare of a season we're having in Dallas!

My Sweet Isaac,
You are still the happiest baby. When Daddy comes to get you  in the morning and brings you down the stairs, you are just laughing--not sure if its because you see your Daddy, Mommy, and brother all together or because you know you're going to get your bottle, but I love how happy you wake up! You love watching your brother play but also are starting to push back a little if he takes something of yours. You love to explore your world and have started using your hands to explore more than sticking everything in your mouth. You love food and will kick and kick while you're in your highchair. You love to go new places and even though sometimes cry when I leave, I'm always told you're super happy and playful in childcare environments (with the excpeption of the gym---something you do not like about the gym!). I love you so much and love watching how God created YOU. I cannot believe my baby is almost 1!