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Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 in review

My word this year: present. Pulled boys out of school in May and intentionally chose to be present and play vs send them away so I could do. It's been tough at times and I'm not always present...but I wouldn't change it. 

Run a half marathon-nope. Didn't happen. Although I would say I'm in good shape and stronger than I've ever been (that pulling kids out of school thing has given me lots of gym motivation with free childcare) so maybe that's a win?
Pre pregnancy weight-check!
Hands free--Hands free in car and rarely use speaker. This is a huge change as car used to be my chat time. Unfortunately relationships are suffering bc that is how I kept in touch with my out of town peeps but the benefits and safety are key. Hands free at home has been a roller coaster. Sometimes I am over my kids and escape to social media world for "connection".  
Quiet times during week-check. This has become a habit and again is how I survive my long days at home. Starting my mornings with quiet, cup of coffee, and Jesus is a game changer. That give us our daily bread stuff that Jesus talks about? Yeah, I really need it. 
De clutter house and spend less-nope. None. Amazon prime is my best and worst friend. This goal was too lofty! 

That was a quick review of goals, will write my 2016 word and goals within the week!