You have the sweetest most compassionate heart. You are a servant, not willful but joyful to help.You get feelings and emotions--and you feel big. You hurt when others hurt. You squeal with giddiness and delight. You cry out when you do not get your way. You clench your teeth and push when others bother you. You are a go getter and don't let anything get in your way. You see boundaries as a challenge and welcome most challenges.
Oh Isaac, you stretch me as a mama. You live in the moment and go at your own pace. You are rarely in a hurry and don't want to make plans, just live minute by minute. This is so my opposite but so what I desire to be. You find joy in order and structure and as long as something is explained or I acknowledge your feelings, you are generally okay with change.
You crave milk and it soothes like no other. As I pour milk into your cup you lick your lips in anticipation and want to see inside the cup to make sure it is"big". You are so much a lover of life your body is constantly going and it takes a while for you to settle down. Although you need sleep, you have a hard time settling down to sleep. You feel like you are missing out so choose to play with Carter during naptime. Oh, how you adore your brother. You want to do what he does, have what he has, and call other 2 and 3 year olds "babies". I love hearing you boys play--you fight quite often but there is such a deep love and bond between you two that is amazing to watch. You are already protector of Brooks, wanting to make sure he is safe and following in your order. God knew what he was doing when he made you our middleman.
Oh Isaac. So many nights I sit on the edge of your firetruck bed and stroke your long stringy hair (that Daddy and I argue over cutting constantly...currently Daddy is winning so when you see your pics and wonder why it's all Daddy!) and I pray my hopes and dreams over you. I pray you will know Jesus--not just know him but be so rooted and established that since He is your refuge you will never be shaken. That as your grow you will know more than anything else how much He loves you and has a purpose and plan for your life. I pray for your wife, that wherever she is Jesus is planting seeds in her life. Isaac, I pray you will know and experience how high and wide and deep is your Creators love for you. That He created your servants heart and strong willed nature and has such big plans for you and your generation. Oh, He is going to do a mighty work through you my son! You have such determination and passion and love at 3...what a gift he will grow and use. I pray it will flourish for His glory.
And as it flourishes, I pray for me and your Daddy to know how to create boundaries and train you up in a way that grows your gifts. Today you are 3. So you will get as much as your chocolate Batman cake as you want. You get a joker house and Legos and a batman nightlight. You get to play with your cousins at nickelrama and eat pizza and more cake for dinner. Because we are not rushing you. I adore you at 3. Sometimes it's tough when you "can't fweep" and you slur your words because you are so tired...but I embrace you for you. I'm so so so thankful God entrusted me as your mama. I love you, my sweet precious "Izit mitil wood".