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Thursday, July 30, 2009


July 31, 2004--in so many ways I can't believe it's been 5 years, but in others, I really can't remember life before marriage.

From life at 1226 Baylor Ave in Waco to Uptown livin' in Dallas, to the last year establishing our home both working "real" jobs, I've had a blast. I remember at one of my wedding showers my bridesmaids made a video asking Caleb questions. One of the questions was "what are you most looking forward to about marriage?" and Caleb responded something to the effect of "we don't have to say goodbye at the end of the night and we just get to have fun together". Reflecting back, that is so true. I would definitely use the term "fun" to describe the past 5 years. Sure, we've had our struggles. We've learned a LOT about each other. We've learned compromise and sacrifice (during the first year I could not go to sleep if something was "out of place"; Caleb now wonders when Rosa is coming next because it gets to the point where he can't stand the mess!). But most of all, we've had so much fun. I am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. 5 years is just the beginning...


Anonymous said...

Happy 5 years! We love you both! -Chels

Wilsons said...

That is such a sweet post... congrats yall :) Love the wedding pic Julie you look beautiful!