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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is it fall?!

Running this morning was fabulous....60 degree weather, great friend with good conversation, and a maternity belt that kept the newfound "pressure" to a minimum. Got home, made some decaf coffee, and sat down to watch GameDay to kick off college football. Ahh, it definitely feels like fall! Even though I'm sure we have a few more 100+ degree days ahead of us, I am sure enjoying this little treat!

I officially entered my 3rd trimester yesterday, sitting strong at 27 weeks. I had a MD appt this past week and talked to her about some little pains I'm having. She said it's all normal and just get ready for more aches and, I'm gearing up! I'm still loving the big pillow my Dad got me for my birthday, I am sleeping great!

As for the MD appt, it was the glucose screening. I was nervous about it, so Caleb took off work and found his own little bottle of orange "juice" so we could take the drinks in a mere 5 minutes together:

He's such a great partner in this pregnancy journey :). Sad news is that my levels were too high so I'm taking off of work and going back for the big 3 hour test this Wednesday where I get to drink even MORE of this stuff :(. I've done my share of worrying, but know that the Lord is in control and if I do have gestational diabetes it will be just fine. I'll adjust my diet and Carter and I will keep on truckin'. Until then, my doctor said to keep eating like normal....which means we will definitely be having our Mr Gattis during the Texas game tradition.

Many people are asking for belly pics and I'm not huge on posting pics of this growing tummy, but also want others to be able to see Carter's growth (definitely his, not mine...right?!) and know I'll enjoy looking back. So, I'm taking pics about every 2 weeks, last one we took was at 25 weeks:
I'll take another this week (27) as it's definitely grown since this pic :).

Caleb's Dad just arrived and he and Caleb are upstairs getting the nursery ready to paint! I did some taping yesterday, so here is the before pic:
I think by the end of this weekend we'll have his crib put together, bedding on, and nursery painted. Can't wait! I think this will really hit home that Mr. Carter is coming and will hopefully get me more in that "nesting" phase I've only heard about :). We're very thankful for Papa coming up to help get everything ready for the little guy!

We will definitely be taking a break (I say we--they're doing the work while I"m here blogging!) at 2:30 for the season opener against Rice. Even though Carter is still cooking and we hope he continues until right around the Big 12 Championship game (12/4 I believe!), he will be ready to sport the right colors when he comes:

I haven't bought this yet, but am seriously considering for his newborn pics:

Haha....and on that note, happy 3 day weekend and hook 'em!

1 comment:

shansmith said...

That hat is hilarious! It was a great run. We should do some before Bible Study.