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Friday, January 14, 2011

6 Weeks!

Today our little man is 6 weeks old. Some days I think "man has it really already been 6 weeks?" and other days "really? only 6 weeks? I can't remember my life before Carter!".
A quick update, then lots 'o pics ahead!
We had his "1 month" check up this past Monday, so technically he was 5 weeks, 3 days old. He weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces (80%) and 22 1/2 inches (80%). I can't remember the exact dimension of his head (15 maybe?) but it was 40%.

He's pretty much grown out of his newborn clothes. He is wearing mostly 0-3 or 3 month clothes right now. He is becoming very interactive and animated as you can see in the pics below. He started smiling right at 4 weeks and started responsive cooing (inconsistently, but it's there says the SLP!) this week. He is still a good eater, wanting to eat every 2-3 hours during the day with some cluster feeding from the 5-10 pm range. He typically gives us a good 5 hour stretch of sleep at night, followed by another 4 hour stretch, so I can't really complain! He does has a fussy time of night around 6-9 which is unfortunate since that's prime Daddy time. However, Caleb is great with him and we switch him off marching around the house, bouncing, singing, burping (that's right, he loves being burped...or alteast quits crying when you sit him up and pat his back), etc. He's definitely developing his little personality. He is a social little guy already, he LOVES being around people and does not like being by himself. I'll put him on the playmat, he'll be perfectly fine--if he realizes I've left him, he screams--and when I return, haven't even touched him, he's totally fine! Ha, we'll see what this means for the future! Allright, there's the developmental are the pics. These were all taken on my iphone, as I try to document "daily life" via iphone photos for Caleb while he's working.

He absolutely LOVES his bath. We now have him in an infant bathtub that makes it a little easier for a 1 person bather, but he can be crying, he gets immersed in the water and he's a happy little boy.

Taken on his 1 month birthday, 1/3. Sweet, chunky boy! Love him so much!

Kung fu Carter or Buddha Carter? You decide.

Sweetums. Had the bib on this day--he's spitting up a little more, but by no means would the SLP in me call it reflux :).

Love this shirt our friend Alison got him as it's SO true. He still doesn't "fuss" for food--he definitely cries, ahem..screams for food.

Let me explain this picture...we had a play date planned for the mall and I forgot to make him a bottle. He's SCREAMING. I put him on this mat so I can make a bottle and will just let him scream it out, knowing as soon as I get him in his carseat and in the car he'll fall asleep. I come back no more than a minute later to this....sweet boy, SO tired, just knocked out on the mat. So, grandparents--when you think we're mean for letting him cry himself to sleep, many times he does much better when he's left on his own to sleep :)

Is this my future? Northpark Mall looks a little different at 1030 on a Wednesday morning :)

Chilling in the carseat while Mommy cooks breakfast!

First documented smile!
Sunday was Carter's first snow! He here is all bundled up at church!

Grocery shopping

Lots of playing
And here starts what I like to call "the many faces of Carter"...

...and I had to put all of these on here because they crack me up, these were taken in a ~1-2 minute period:


so serious with the monkey!

first time in his crib (for naps, this started on Thursday)

big 'ol grin!

sleepy boy

and last....that pitiful face, "Mommy,get that phone out of my face and just look at me!"'

Happy 3 day weekend! We look forward to lots of time as a family and fun with Carter's 2nd cousins!

1 comment:

shansmith said...

Love him! You are so great about keeping up with the posts. You will have to stay on me. I can't beleive he is 6 weeks already!