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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

5 months

Love this sweet little boy. I'm going to make it brief for my own records:

Nursing mostly but will take a 6 ounce bottle every 2.5-3 hours during the day and 7 ounces at night. Discovered that he doesn't like his feet cold and like to hold onto a blanket, but will smother himself if given a blanket, so now sleeps in a sleep sack. Napping is inconsistent---sometimes 2 naps/day, others time 5 little naps. Sweet boy gets toted around so many times he gets a nap in the carseat and only 1-2 naps at home. He doesn't seem to mind the helmet at all and 1 week in I've been keeping it on him atleast 23 hours a day. He sleeps about 10-11 hours at night, will nurse around 6 am then go back to sleep for another hour or so. He really is so happy and smiles so much. He's into lights/sounds toys. If I put him on his back he will roll to his stomach within seconds but many times get mad because he wants to be back on his back. He needs help about half of the time getting back to his back. He is starting to put things in his mouth, including his feet. Yesterday Isaac was on the floor and Carter was playing in the living room, I hear as I'm doing dishes "don't put feet in mouth Isaac. That nasty. Put food in mouth". Isaac loves to watch Carter and loves to be around people. He coos and smiles so much. Love this little boy so much!


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