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Friday, November 8, 2013

Isaac-9 months!

16 lb, 12 oz (5%)
29 inches (75%)
Head: 17 1/2 inches (25%)

As you can see, he is long and lean. I didn't realize how lean. I'm really trying not to stress on his weight, because the pediatrician isn't concerned. I am a little worried though if I'm going to be honest. I wonder if my milk supply is insufficient, if he's just not getting enough, if my milk is not fatty enough, etc. The thing is, he always acts like he's hungry when we take food away, but he's been doing this since he was a newborn. I will give him more from a bottle, and then he will throw up. So, right now I'm in the phase of trialing different things. The pedi says he's just finding his new growth curve and he will go up again. He said if he was losing weight--that's a concern. He's just not really gaining. So, I'm going to try to nurse him 2-3x/day and give him a bottle the other 2-3x/day so that I have a little better idea of how much milk he's getting. But, since this is the 9 month post, this is what he's been doing....

Nurses or takes a 6-7 oz bottle 5x/day (6:30, 1130, 2:30, 5:30, bedtime). Eats mostly stage 2 baby foods 2-3x/day (4 ounces + baby oatmeal). He LOVES the fruits. He's okay with the meats. He is starting to hate his veggies. When I give him something he doesn't like he just closes his eyes. It's hilarious. He does cheerios and puffs as a distraction. He is hit or miss on table foods--some days will eat toast, banana, carrot chunks, sweet potato chunks just fine--others he will gag as if he hasn't had anything but smooth purees. I've tried to do full meals of mashed table foods but he's just not there yet, so we will continue with the stage 2s and some 3s. Right now I'm just not pushing him to eat foods he doesn't like because I want the kid to get calories in!

Crawling everywhere. Pulling up on everything. Favorite toys are the diaper caddy, water bottle, iron pumpkins, magnets off dishwasher, nightlight in Carter's room, door knobs on dressers, and baby monitor. Doing more babbling, mostly /d/, /n/, some /m/. Lots of vocalizations. Loves to be held by Mommy, getting into a mommy phase--when Mimi comes over will cling to Mommy and cry because that typically means Mommy is leaving. However, he is fine to go exploring on his own and does not mind leaving me to go to another room....he just doesn't want me to leave him!

This boy is not a napper. He will take a morning nap ~50% of time from 8-8:30. Otherwise, he is awake at 6:30 and takes an 12-2:30 nap and that's it. Very occasionally (maybe once every 10 days?) he will take a power nap at 4:30-5 but that's rare. Thankfully, he is a great night sleeper and sleeps from 6:30-6:30.

Dear Sweet Isaac,
Your smile is so big and continues to bring such joy to our home. You are my little explorer and can easily find the one thing in the room that is a choking hazard and you willl put in your mouth. You keep me on my toes! You adore your brother and want to follow him wherever he is. If you wake up from your nap before him, you strain your head to look in his room, wondering why he isn't with us. However, when we get downstairs we get some good Mommy and Isaac time of singing songs, reading stories, and playing. You love to eat and still cry when your bottle or nursing is finished. I know you're sleepy when you start burrowing your head into my chest or pulling your shirt up to your mouth. To fall asleep, you put your sleepsack in your mouth and burrow your little head into your covers. You do not like to be rocked, you like to be put in your bed with your white noise and you fall asleep very quickly. You are growing so fast and becoming such a sweet spirited little baby. Love you so much, my sugar booger.

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