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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Isaac is ONE!

Last night Caleb and I were talking that this time last year we went out for ice cream as a family of 3. We discussed what we both remembered about Isaac's birth-day and  it really seems like a few days ago. But then it seems like forever much has happened in year. Snuggly newborn memories sleeping on me on the couch while Caleb and I had movie marathons while he was on paternity leave, putting him in the bouncy seat where he was entertained my Carter's antics, the sleep-anywhere-as-long-as-whitenoise-was-in-his-ear phase, to the lovely helmet during the brutal Texas summer, to the constant smiles and coos and getting-into-everything phase. Oh, what a year it's been. I remember thinking how it would rock Carter's world,  but now I don't think any of us really remember what life was like before Isaac. He is generally a super happy baby but he also has a mischevious side. He knows what he's not supposed to do and when given an opportunity, will sneak off. He adores Carter and follows him everywhere, just watching him and wanting to be like him. He loves to eat and still loves his milk. We've transitioned to 2% cows milk in a sippy/straw cup and he will down 8 ounces in 2 minutes and cry when he's done. He started walking TODAY! It was totally his deal....Caleb and I were watching him and he walked 6 steps from the stairs to his activity table. He's never done that before...and of course wouldn't do it again, but what a fun milestone for this milestone birthday!

We had his party last weekend with family. Winter one-derland theme. It was great. I was intentional about preparing everything ahead of time so I could really enjoy the party. I feel like it was perfect for Isaac--he knew everyone, not too big, and could really focus on him. 

As in Wood family fashion, we've continued the celebration all week. He had treats in his class at school on Tuesday and today it's been whatever he wants, he gets. He got to lick his first beater and got lots of 1-1 attention from Mama while Carter was at school. We played in Carter's room with Carter's toys which are usually off-limits. Isaac got snow in Dallas on his birthday, so he loved watching that all morning. Problem was, Carter's school had early release due to the snow and when we went to pick him up, we got stuck in the snow. Like, I couldn't move and someone was going to crash into me at any moment. Thankfully, a good neighbor and his trusty truck and chains pulled me out and I was able to get us back home, but Caleb had to get Carter. It was crazy, but Isaac was a trooper as he always is. Caleb took him out to play in the snow, but it was really more a photo-op then he came back inside and watched Daddy and Carter play. We did his fave dinner of chicken cordon bleu, carrots, and cake--he gobbled it up. He even got to take a long bath tonight with swim diaper on, as he usually has in-and-out bathtub experiences, as I guess it "relaxes" him. We had such a fun day and fun week! Here are some pics:

Party decor

He LOVED his cake

Today started with muffin in special day plate :

Watching snow...

Licking the beater...

Destroying/playing in Carter's room solo with mama:

Snow time with Daddy outside:

Carter decorated his cake....

And Isaac loved it!

Dear my sweet Isaac,
On days like today I want time to slow down. I love watching your little personality develop and seeing the little boy that God is creating you to be. You have a smile that lights up the room. You will smile at pretty much anyone, but have this adorable thing where you get shy and do the "smile and burrow" into my chest. You love to be held, but don't love snuggling when you're tired. You love watching Carter and think he's the greatest thing ever. He will take toys from you, but right now you don't'll just find something else for entertainment, your aren't too picky. You love to climb and explore. You are very curious and want to figure out how things work. You are pretty cautious with cruising and climbing, but also aren't scared to try new things. You love to look outside and could stay outside all day if we would let you. Although you are such a happy baby, you also show us when you don't like something--getting in your carseat, getting your diaper changed, or being put in bed when you are not sleepy. I love getting to spend so much time with you every day and really watch as you transition from baby to toddler. I am so blessed that God knit you together in my womb, you are perfectly and wonderfully made, my son. I pray that God will give your Daddy and me wisdom on how to point you to him. I hope you dream big. That your curious little personality that takes plugs out of outlets and de-baby proofs are house at 1 year will one day move mountains. I am so blessed to be your Mama. Happy birthday my little Isaac Michael!

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