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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Isaac is 18 months

Oh this boy has my heart. He is a Mamas boy and although at times the clinging can get old, I really do love the snuggles and burying head in my legs/chest. I know it won't last long. 

So what is he up to?

Wakes up around 7-730 am and stands up in crib. Will play around until someone comes to get him ( usually Caleb). Will put his arms out and reach for his milk--really milk trumps everything in his world right now. Eats breakfast with the family, reads and plays with Daddy, then besos at 8. He then goes down for morning rest time for 45ish mins. Will play in crib and talk to himself--does not want any toys or books with him. Rarely sleeps, maybe 1 or. 2 days a month will actually fall asleep. Gets up around 9 and we usually have an outing--pool, gym, play date, errands till noonish. Lunch and naps from 1230-230 or 3. Wakes up wanting milk then play or another outing. The last month or so I've "locked" the boys upstairs around 5:30 so I can cook dinner in peace. It's glorious. The boys actually play pretty well together and if there is screaming it's typically a "he took my toy thing" and they have to work it out. Baths around 6, daddy comes home at 645 and we have family dinner, then daddy time (wrestling, playing outside, toys) until bed around 730-745. We are just starting to put the boys to sleep in same room, but typically Caleb does bedtime routines. Isaac loves to brush his teeth and then they rock and sing songs before bed. He still requires his sleep sack--I tried weaning which resulted in inconsolable screaming for over an hour so gave up--and white noise. 

He is in the middle of a language burst right now. He says mama, dada, a word for carter that sounds like dad but different intonation, dog, yeah, no, night night, uh oh, milk (meh), water. Mama is "I want" and nana pretty much is all food. He just started woa for yogurt.

Have I mentioned how much this boys loves his milk and food? It's really a little crazy how excited he gets about food and he is never done. We have to stop him. He is a great eater and will pretty much eat anything if it's dipped in ketchup. I do limit snacks to 1/day. 

He is definitely a little climber. Will pull toys around to stand on to get to what he wants. Carter now wants to eat all meals at the high bar bc Isaac will climb on top of a chair and onto the middle of the kitchen table to get food. He loves being outside but poor guy has an awful reaction to Mosquitos and scratches them like crazy so we're doing less outside time these days. He loves the pool and has no fear. Will walk right in--not jump just step in and fall. He does both the blue and red slides at the kc pool and can even keep his balance going solo on the blue. He is no longer content swimming in big pool at kc though--he wants to be "jumping" or sliding at all times.

He loves Carter and follows him around, imitating everything. They wrestle and Isaac really will hold his own well, and many times is the initiator. He prefers playing with older kids and is not intimidated at all--if someone takes his toy he will fight to get it back! 

He has a rough and tumble personality but then has such a sweet spirit that loves to be held, have his hair stroked, and he will just snuggle up and cuddle. He will attend to books for 20-30 mins and loves rocking and singing before bed.

He's starting to push boundaries and exerting his independence. Typically this comes in the form of yelling "no" and throwing himself on floor. Ha. We're working on distractions--unfortunately no comfort items so many times will just tantrum it out.

He loves exploring and figuring out how things work. He is determined and "opportunistic" as Caleb says. Oh, we love him!

Dear my sweet Isaac,
This stage is one of the hardest but also one of the sweetest. You know what you want and will do anything to get your way--that will take you far in life, my son.
As your Mommy I'm seeing more and more of who God created you to be--and  daily asking for wisdom in how to grow you in your gifts but teach you control and boundaries. You remind me so much of me. You love to go, but thrive on alone time. You love to read. You love to sit and cuddle. You love to be told what's going to happen--you're a planner it seems. You like things to be in their place and will throw items in the trash or laundry hamper just to get them out of the way. You love your Daddy and get the biggest grin on your face when you hear the back door open. You don't like to share Mommy or Daddy--and when I'm holding another baby or kid, you will try to push them out of my lap or arms. Oh how I'm praying for you and that you will feel special and loved when baby arrives Ina few months. You are the one and only you and I am so so so blessed to be your Mama. Love you darling. 

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