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Monday, February 16, 2015

Isaac is TWO!

This little boy has my heart. He reminds me so much of myself in so many ways, he can charm me one minute and the next minute be acting...well, his age. He loves books and could sit and read for hours. He is the epitome of a rough and tumble kid, loves to tackle and jump and climb, rarely cries if he gets hurt. He is coming out of his introvert shell and becoming more of a talker and social little guy. He loves school and talks about Mrs. Kate ALL the time. He loves music and will sing the last word of many verses (ie: baa baa black SHEEP have you any WOOL, YES sir YES sir, 3 bags FULL). He likes to do motions to songs and is becoming quite the dancer. He still sleeps in his sleepsack and pulls it up to smell it for comfort...this will be weaned in the next few weeks hopefully. He and Carter share a room at night, but he prefers his crib for morning rest time (8-830 he reads books in his bed....did I say he's like his mama?) and naptime (which are now marathon 3+hour naps since he stays up with Carter at night). He will usually wake up around 6 but play in his room until Carter opens the door (we keep it locked) at now 6:27. He talks in mostly 2 word utterances and is very into possession---mama shoe, Car Car book, Da Da boot. The SLP in me must point out that he substitues /p/ for /f/, and /k/ for /t/, also has final consonant deletion on most words. Isaac likes things picked up and in their place, often bringing me things ("there, there") that are out of place. He is a very opportunistic little boy, will drag a stool or chair to get whatever the thinks he needs off the counter or in the pantry. He still loves to eat and I would venture to use the word ravenous at all times. One time I had a loaf of pumpkin bread on the center of the dining room table that Nana brought over to take to Diana's. Isaac came in with full on grin, with loaf of bread still in saran wrap, nibbling through it like a rat, trail of crumbs behind him. Oh, he keeps me on my toes. He has learned Caleb's "deals" with dinner and will now eat any vegetables, knowing he gets his prize afterwards. He loves to play with Carter and often will play rougher than Carter prefers. He loves to be outside, loves his cozy coupe, all slides, and has NO FEAR of jumping, climbing, or sliding.

For his birthday this year we went to San Antonio the weekend before and had a joint party with Cason on Saturday and then celebrated with Grandpa on Sunday. He had his school party with cookies on Thursday, and then woke up to happy birthday and his streamers. When asked what he wanted for his birthday his constant response was "cake"...I think he got cake 4 different times. On his actual day he had banana nut bread for breakfast and opened books from Mommy and Daddy. For the morning, we went to a climbing gym with rides called Kid Mania in Plano. He rode and climbed and played, then wanted corn dog for lunch. He came home for naps then Daddy came home early! A special surprise was Aunt Ali had cookies and a birthday balloon delivered....have I mentioned his love language is food? He got to "race" Daddy, throw rocks in the creek, and then Mimi was at our house when we came home. We had pizza and cake and he was exhausted from all the FUN. Oh, cannot believe this sweet boy is TWO!

My sweet Isaac,
You have the sweetest, most compassionate heart. You are concerned when Brooks or Carter cry and want to make sure I know. You wake up in the morning and turn around backwards to slide down the stairs, look at me with a big smile and say "milk!".  You love your Daddy and anytime he is home, want to be right where he is. You follow him everywhere he goes! You love to jump and climb and wrestle and tackle. You are one tough boy. Even when you fall pretty hard, you are usually ok with letting me know and wanting a kiss, then you're off to play again. You love Carter (you call him Car Car...I know this will stop but Daddy and I LOVE it) and love to play with him. You typically play pretty well, but there are definitely fights and lots of frustration, mostly when you push him too hard or he takes something from you. You get this look on your face that shows you are SO MAD--you wrinkle up your face and squish up your nose and typically will push or hit--we are working on that :). You are Mr. Independent and rarely will ask for will just go and get what you want, doesn't matter if we've said no or not. You are persistent! You push the kitchen chairs or stool around to get anything out of reach. You like to climb into your carseat independently and if I try to help you, you throw a huge fit and you are STRONG.Even though it's tough being on the other side of your independence sometimes, I am so proud of this trait!  I love that you love to read will get a book and just plop in my lap. You will read for hours. You enjoy playing by yourself and reading by yourself for 15-20 mins at a time. You need your alone time...just like your Mama.
 I know God has big plans for you and I love seeing how HE has created your personality. I know that your strong willed persistence will take you far. I pray your compassion for others will continue to grow and you will have a heart for helping those in need. I pray every day that God will show Daddy and me how to guide your sweet little heart to knowing HIM, because HE is your creator and created  the one and only Isaac Michael Wood. What a blessing to be your Mama and get to watch you grow my little man! Love you to the moon and back, Mama

2/6/15 chronicle:

2 yr ck up:
31 lbs (95%) and 36.5 inches (98%)

Big healthy boy! Love that bell bell (how he says belly)

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