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Monday, October 22, 2007


Conquest=the act or the state of conquering or the state of being conquered a quick recap of the week and to interweave my title with my week (get ready to be impressed!).....

1) Comps have officially been conquered (hopefully). After a couple of restless nights, I had my traditional Einstein's run and then sat for my comprehensive exams. One of the questions (there are only 4--essay style) caught me off guard, but overall, I'm pretty confident that I passed. The Lord completely gave me a peace about this test and although I don't get results for a couple of weeks, I'm feeling pretty confident.

2) Jessica Bradberry became Mrs. Evan Conquest. Hence, the title of the blog and my nerdy way of being creative. I stole these pics off of Brittany's facebook. I forgot the digital camera, so I totally used the old kodak style all weekend and Jessica's was impressed by its zoom (me just getting really really close up). It was a great wedding. I love going to weddings, but there's really something different about getting to experience one of your best friends best days of their life, by her sideI hope that she didn't get sick of me, but I was really with her (b/c I didn't have a car!) from about 6 pm on Thursday night through the entire wedding. It was great to hear her heart and just watch her giddiness as the days unfolded. Her bridesmaids were an awesome group of women, and there was just some great fellowship over the weekend that my heart really needed. I really think I will keep in touch with them (and now they all have this blog address, so please comment and I'll give you an official shout out!). I was nervous about the speech.....but Kristen gave me much confidence when she said "Julie, you're a speech pathologist! You are an expert". Haha. I actually thought they had forgot the speech, so by the time it came up, I didn't really have time to get nervous. Here are some quick pics of the speech:

Caleb was a rehearsal dinner saver and showed his servant's heart and went to Best Buy to buy a cord at the last minute so that the slideshow would play. The reception was a blast, and although the bm's (hahahahaha!; like that Caleb?!) and I attempted on multiple occassions to get the dance party started, nobody really started dancing until Jess and Ev came out and tore it up! We had a great weekend, and it made my day yesterday when Jess and Ev called in all their newlywed giddiness! I will be thinking of them all week as they are honeymooning and I'm back to the real world :(.

3) Caleb's birthday is on Friday. Anybody who has known us for a while know that I'm always on a conquest (yes!) to find the perfect gift. The one that won't be returned. The one that he will actually use. The one that he will take out of the box and rip the tags off because he is so excited and surpised. After about 8 years of this, I feel like my passionate conquest for the perfect gift has ended. He told me he wants some specific rain jacket for ultimate, so he'll find the link, and I'll go and put in the credit card info (that we share) and it will be mailed. He will open it in the cardboard box and all. Although this is the most boring thing in the world for me, I have to be okay and even happy that this is exactly what he wants. I am all about big, elaborate surprises wrapped in fancy paper and the anticipation of what it is. He just wants to pick out exactly what he wants, that he wouldn't usually spend his own money on. He doesn't care about the anticipation, the wrapping, or even the fact that I spent hours getting creative and have many thoughtful reasons of why I picked what I did. So, this is just a big difference between us and it's good. This is the way the Lord created it. I think he does get stressed out about my bday because I guess I expect more of a conquest :).

Haha....I'm such a dork. Okay, I'm going to sign off now. I will do a birthday post, hopefully with pictures and all, so please anticipate!

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