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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do you hear singing?!

Okay, so I'm lazy and I haven't downloaded the demolition pics onto the computer. I also have some very cute pics from Hayden's 4th birthday. So, those are to come.....I promise! I WILL get to it. (Sidenote: Demo went great. Everything is out, sheetrocking everything back up this week, and cabinet installation on Monday! ) Even though I'm not getting those pics posted, I just needed to blog...and vent...:) I used to love furniture shopping, just browsing through stores and dreaming of someday when I have a house and I get to buy furniture. Well, that day has come. It's GREAT to have a house. It's just so darn expensive! Our main goal, as far as furniture, is to get our bedroom furniture before we move in. We have our new king size mattress (W hotel brand, what?! what?!), but no bed! So, I was telling a friend at work today that I secretly wish I never would have seen this one bed. THE bed. The one that you look at and magically you hear angels singing around it. You hear them? Haha, maybe that's a little too much. Seriously though, if we had not seen the ONE bed that is of course, the most expensive bed in all of Weir's furniture, we would be so happy with all the others that are in our price range. But, no. We see the ones we can afford and compare them to magic dream bed and they just don't compare. So, my friends, here it is: my current nemesis (correct usage of that word? hmm...not so sure) that I am secretly (but not so secretly) in love with. Please just sit and stare for a while. Let me know if you will buy my baked goods so that I can fundraise to afford this bed :).

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Okay I LOVE that bed. We have been married five years and have been in our house for a year and a half and we have a mattress on box springs, my childhood desk sitting on one wall housing our television, and one chest with drawers too small for a normal adult in our bedroom. That's it. I feel your pain.