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Sunday, November 14, 2010

A fabulous month in pics :)

Wowzers, I just uploaded pics to the computer and had 240. It's been a whirlwind of a month getting ready for Carter, showers, and of course the trip to NYC. I thought I would do a sprinkling of pics via blog to chronicle the last month, so here it goes...

Fabulous work girls did a "baby hour" for Carter after work. It was fun to hang out with co-workers outside of work and do a 'lil celebrating of C. They made a baby poll that is hanging by my desk at work, the earliest date on the poll is 11/28, but in the past week or so people are doubting their guesses and I get bigger and bigger. Seriously, when people were leaving work on Friday multiple people came up to me "if you have the baby this weekend..." or "if I don't see you for a few months...". See bottom of post for BIG 'ol belly pics :)
I just love this picture, as people were feeling the little guy move!
My niece and nephews decorated the wrapping for Carter's gift at a shower in Austin. This is Harrison's portrait of Carter. So sweet :)
We had a very "fancy" couples  shower with Caleb's co-workers in Dallas :). We always tell the hostesses they're our "fancy friends" so they made very fancy food and drinks for the occassion.

Our "fancy" hostesses :). These are actually great friends who their husbands just happen to work with Caleb. They live in the neighborhood and both have kiddos, so I foresee lots of hang out time in our future while the hubbies work :).

Halloween 2010. Haha, enough said.

NYC! We made it! Our first night out. This is right outside our hotel, check out the Empire State Building in the background!

Photo courtesy of Caleb. He was sitting on the ground and said something like "you look really pregnant, I need the camera" and preceeded to take this belly pic.

NYC Marathon Expo. Honestly, I was a little jealous and had to text Shannon in the midst of the expo and get confirmation that NYC Marathon is in our future as well. Here's Caleb after he picked up his bib.

Lots of cab rides the Saturday before the race as Caleb was resting the legs.

A fabulous 'lil Italian place for Saturday lunch. Carter and I enjoyed carb-loading with Daddy.

This picture is out of order, but our first Broadway show of the weekend was Friday night for The Lion King. It was magnificent!

Broadway show #2 was Saturday afternoon. We saw "Rain"--a Beatles tribute band type of thing that was very entertainting. We got 50% off tickets day-of in Times Square. With me sporting the pregnant belly we got whisked up to the front of the line for 50% tix. No complaints here!

Dinner of a marathoner=grilled cheese. Lots of hydrating all day. Worked 2 years in a row!

The obligatory "setting stuff out the night before" pic.

He looks tired, as it's 4:40 in the morning, but he is oh so excited! Breakfast of a marathoner=honey nut cheerios.

It's 5:20 am and he's ready to catch the ferry to Staten Island!

After getting up with him, I couldn't go back to sleep so I watched all the pre-marathon info on TV. PERFECT mnarathon weather!

Loved these people cheering on the runners from outside the apartment window in Brooklyn!

There go the Kenyans! I made it to Brooklyn (mile 8ish) early so I could see the whole crew--from the wheelchairs, to the elites, to the crowds and crowds of people. It was an awesome experience. I had the video camera out for the rest of the time, so I don't actually have pics of Caleb running. I was able to see him at 3 different points (mile 8, 16, and 25) thanks to my handy iphone app and subway map. Here's a video of him at mile 8. I definitetly need to work on my video skills---or maybe he's just running so fast and that's why it's blurry?!

I think he used everything he had to smile for this pic. He was actually pretty miserable here, this is the cab ride back to the hotel. He was hurting and shaking, but the adrenaline was defiinitely still going.....especially after we found out his time of 3:10:45 which qualifies him for BOSTON! I'm a very proud wife!

The feeling of being miserable did not last long---about 30 minutes after returning to the hotel he was like "let's go out!". So, we did dinner, dessert (pictured above) , then....

Broadway show #3! Billy Elliott. Again, a 50% of ticket and it was really really good!

We are both exhausted after being up for around 20 hours at this point, but in NYC we gotta have a pic in
Times Square at night!

Here was me in all my hooplah as his fan: cowbell? check. homemade sign? check. custom shirt? check.

At the Today show the morning after. I'm sporting my shirt while Caleb's sporting his medal. We did get on TV :)

Much needed stretching and foam rolling at the "Marathon Monday Mania". We then went to Chinatown and got some fabulous, shady items :). It was literally freezing, so we did lots more eating and shopping before heading back to the big D. We had a fabulous trip, but it was nice to be back on Texas soil and know that Carter wouldn't be born a Yankee :).

And now....BELLY PICS!
32 weeks

34 weeks

35 weeks

Wowzers! 36 weeks! My Dr. told me this day he's "definitely dropped' and his head is fully enagaged. No other progress, so we'll just wait and see! I'm having a few contractions, but nothing too serious. We got his carseat installed, bouncy seat up, and pack 'n play set up in our room, so we are ready when he is! I'm still working and planning on working until he comes :). I'm trying to convince Caleb that we need to put up Christmas decorations next weekend....we shall see!


Steph said...

Glad y'all had a great nyc trip! You look great and we are very proud of Caleb!

Unknown said...

We are so excited for Caleb (and you) He has inspired a new item on my bucketlist and I guess I should begin to train for next years NYC marathon (once Kennedy is here of course). I love the belly pics and am praying for you in these last few weeks of pregnancy. Love you girl and THANK YOU for sending the awesome gift to the shower!

Kate said...

Julie - I'm so glad you're keeping up with the belly pics! Those of us who are far away are very thankful (o:

Tell Caleb that I'm super proud of him!!!

Tell Carter I'm ready to meet him at about 5 months old (o: Can't wait to see y'all!!!