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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First "Sick" Visit :(

Don't let the title make you feel sorry for our little man....he's his normal, happy, "I only cry when I'm hungry or tired" self. However, he's had this nasty cough for 3 days (no fever or other symptoms) so I decided to take him in and get it checked out. When I called the doctor's office they said "is this for a sick visit or well visit?", so my friends, at almost 4 months Carter had his first "sick" visit at the doctor. Of course he didnt cough while the doctor was in there, but since he's never had fever and the only symptom is the cough he was diagnosed with croup and a prescription to use the humidifer and put him in the bathroom with a steamy shower. So, that's what we'll do! I feel very blessed that he lasted almost 4 months--fingers crossed, we made it through flu/RSV season! :).

They did weigh him and with clothes on the boy is a hefty 15 lbs, 2 ounces. Our little chunker and we love it. Here are some iphone photos (remember the 3 pics/day rule) I just downloaded 648 iphone photos to the camera so these are just a select few :).
This was when he was 7 weeks or so, it just shows me how much he's grown because these overalls would now be capris and the shirt wouldn't button as a onesie!

Not sure why this is sideways, but lots of Max/Carter playing time going on these days!

Hanging out with Daddy after work!

You can really see the belly here :). He still LOVES the bath!

"Superman" arms--he always does this after his naps/in the morning when you undo the swaddle

3 months old and Daddy already has him working out!

Rockband with Uncle Stephen and Aunt Diana on one of the snow days!

LOVE this pic. Caleb coaching Carter before he got his first set of shots!

Big belly laugh. Haha.

Our little valentine

More Carter and Max playtime!

First run at the lake with Daddy (7 miles!)

Sporting his Daddy Boot Camp shirt :)

A pic of "modified tummy time" :)

Such a great age to run errands! Here we are playing while the car gets inspected!

Little talker in overalls

The Friday of my first week back to work Carter fell asleep on me. He NEVER does this so I had to document. I just let him sleep for 2 hours and loved every.minute.

Little Leprechaun

Whattup Mom, just chillin' in my bumbo.

Tummy time is getting a *little* better!

All 5 cousins together!

Happy baby!

Love his expressions.

Admiring the squirrels on St. Patrick's Day!

Loving this beautiful weather in the front yard with Daddy and Aunt Diana (we sent this picture to Uncle Stephen to make him jealous!)

He continues to love the play mat and really grabs at the toys now.


shansmith said...

He is so cute!! Love the big babies! I also love all the pictures!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pic of him sleeping in your arms! That's my favorite time, too. -Chelsea