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Monday, March 28, 2011

Teething ALREADY?

That's right. Not even 4 months old and the boy is cutting 2 top teeth. Ever since this past Thursday Carter was just a little "off". Fighting sleep more, more fussy, and just having some rough days. He's also been drooling more and putting his hands in his mouth ALL.THE.TIME. However, I was thinking there's no way he's teething--that doesn't happen until 6+ months. WRONG. Thankfully my generation's answer to anything is google so when I googled "3 month teething" I came across message board after message board of Moms saying their 3 month old babies are teething, yielding the SAME symptoms as our little man. Carter has even gotten to the point where he wants his paci again--the poor guy just constantly wants something in his mouth. I felt his little gums yesterday and sure enough--2 little notches on the top. I lifted up his upper lip today and you betcha, 2 little pearly whites (well...I don't think I'd go that far yet--but definitely white tinted splotches were seen underneath the gums) are right up there which helps to explain the irritability/sleep fighting/fist eating-ness which has been a part of our life these past 5 days. Most of the teething toys are too big, so right now we're resorting to his hands, my hands (washed of course), pacis, and cold washcloths (did I mention how I love google?!).

Even though there have been some rough days, he definitely still has his moments of being SO much fun.  We took out the playmat and replaced it with the jumper as he's much more into seeing things on eye level vs looking up at the ceiling. The weather has been really nice so we've been spending more time outside and Mama even planted flowers--and is determined this year that they will live. We shall see.

Here's a video I took today...please pardon all the baby talk and my singing, I tried to edit it down to just the laughing part but I'm still figuring out the video camera technology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see you guys on Friday! -Chelsea