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Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Easter!

**I wrote this post on Easter but forgot to post** :)

Easter has been different, in a good way, this year.

It starting on Good Friday, as I was reflecting on Jesus' death on the cross. Having a son gave Good Friday a whole new meaning to me. I have always recited "For God so loved the world that he GAVE his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:14). We, sinners, are so unworthy but God GAVE his perfect Son to die a miserable death on a cross so that WE may live. Grace. Praise the Lord!

Saturday we spent the entire day with Caleb's family and had an absolute blast. All 5 cousins together and it was blissful chaos all day long. Jumping on the trampoline doing "tricks", playing games, yummy food, and even a girls getaway to see a movie while the boys stayed with the kids. Carter LOVED just watching his cousins and getting lots of attention from his Nana, Papa, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I can only imagine what next year will bring!

Today Stephen, Diana, and my Mom joined us at church. It was wonderful. We got Carter all dressed up in his sweater vest and he attended his last service in the sanctuary for a long time--nursery, here we come! The service was beautiful as we remembered that we serve a RISEN SAVIOR! The Easter Bunny came and got Carter all ready for the beach--swim diapers, swim suit, sunglasses, and sunscreen! He also "gave" him a Bible to always remember the real meaning of Easter--but really, all of the above were gifts that he already had I just put them in an Easter basket. Caleb made sure to tell Carter "don't worry buddy--next year we'll get you real presents and not go scrounging through your room". Haha.

I'll leave you with some fun photos:

One spoiled little boy with all these "Easter" presents--thanks Mimi and Great Nana!

Carter and Daddy at church (this was 2 weeks ago)

Sunday afternoon naps are the BEST!

Our attempt at bluebonnet pictures with the bunny Grandpa and GrandmaJo got for Carter. Unfortunately, it was 5:30 pm and Carter was D.O.N.E for the day!

Playgroup with Mommy's work friends!

Sweet baby Bennett and Max. It was so fun to get the babies together, as we were all pregnant together but hadn't had all the boys together before!

Nana and Papa with their 5 grandkids! So fun!

Carter had a blast with all his cousins!

With Aunt Emily and Harrison. Harrison has the sweetest personality. He was worried Carter didn't have many toys so he went through his toy closet and was trying to give him some toys to play with!

Easter morning in front of the house

Loved dressing him up! Here are some "may faces of Carter" pics:

still working on that trunk control....


Happy, talking baby!

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