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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lovin' Dr. Dreiling!

At our 4 month check up our pediatrician (Dr. Dreiling, hence the name of the post) told us straight up--he doesn't need the swaddle, he doesn't need to eat in the middle of the night. Whew. So, long lesson short--unswaddle him, put him in bed, let him cry--he'll figure it out. He'll figure out how to put himself back to sleep. Give it 2 rough nights and he'll do it. We were both thinking "you do not know our child" but wanted to give it a shot. So we started operation de-swaddle and operation sleep through the night. Operation a complete success! 3 nights later Carter has consistently been sleeping from 7:30ish-7:ish every.single.night. We even went camping this past weekend and left him for the first time (thanks Aunt Connie, Aunt Ali, Mamie and Grandaddy!) and he slept in his pack 'n play in a different house all through the night. He now wakes up in his bed just talking, no more crying/screaming fits! Even though I know we will have nights where he's sick/teething/for whatever reason not sleeping, I do have to say that it is very very very nice to go to bed now not thinking "I wonder how long I'll sleep before he wakes up...". And this is kinda sad, but this morning he woke up talking at 6:45, I went to get him and he was soaking wet. Hair, clothes, sleepsack--everything. I pick him up and his diaper came off of him. Now Carter typically could care less if he has a wet/poopy diaper, but really dude? Pee all over you and still sleep? Not sure if we've "trained" him he's not getting out of bed so don't try or he really just doesn't care about pee all over him for 10 hours. Ha, such a boy already. Love him. Will do a picture post soon as he is all smiles these days and I'm lovin' it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hilarious! Can he come over and remind Will of what it's like to sleep past 5:30am? :)