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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lots o summer fun!

A quick update for the record, then onto LOTS of pics as I finally got the USB cord and uploaded pics from the camera. I really hope to do a post solely about his dedication and what that means, I don't want it to be just another summer "event" thrown in the mix.

After a phone call with the pediatrician yesterday it looks like Carter will be on Pulmicort (breathing treatment steroid) for a few months to help out with his asthma. It's basically a way to strengthen his lungs during these summer months (he got a little cold and asthma came back in full force) so that when winter hits he'll be stronger and less likely to need an oral steroid which apparently have much worse side effects. So, Carter can't understand it and HATES it, but it's what's best for him so we will sing +dance+entertain him in whatever way possible for 15 minutes every morning while we try to keep that fun little mask on his face. Otherwise, we're doing great and lovin' summertime with our little man!

Onto the pics...
1st weekend of June always means Western Cabin for Mama and her sweet Bible study girls. This year we had 13 of us out for the day on Saturday but of course I didn't take any pics then. Here's the Sunday lunch girls at Western Cafe on our way back to Dallas. This was my first weekend away from Carter (he and Daddy had "guy" time) but it was great to have a retreat away with the girls and Caleb and Carter had a great weekend of racing (yes, Carter won his age group!) and guys game night.

Not a huge fan of peas...

Sweet Potato? Yes please!

Such a good eater, will eat for anyone that will attempt it!

Such a loved little boy, all this family came to support us at his baby dedication


Hanging out at lunch after dedication

Uncle Stephen feeding Carter

Playing with Aunt Diana

Caleb's father's day present was Carter holding these letters and put in a frame for his office...

church picnic family photo

silly boy

can I eat that?


watching the neighborhood 4th of July parade

with Mommy at the parade

trying to stay was very hot!

Family July 4th pic, don't we look patriotic? We spent the day at Emily's and enjoyed swimming and grilling out with Nana, Papa, Aunt Emily, Uncle Jeff, and the boy cousins. We then ALL took naps at the same time--it was glorious.

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