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Friday, November 4, 2011

11 months!

With all the pumpkins and cooler weather, I daily think "this time last year..."which in today's case is, this time last year we were in NYC with Caleb getting ready for the marathon! Crazy! It's amazing to look back at previous posts and see Carter's growth phsically but also cognitively and socially. I was told yesterday "you have such a social baby!"...yes, folks, I do. Which is good *most* of the time.

Onto the monthly post...

size 3 diapers
12 month shirts, 6-9 month pants (he has a long torso, but legs are shorter--I had to go on a shopping spree for pants, as all his pants were 12 or 18 mos!)

Not a whole lot new in this department the past month. All table foods, 3 meals and 2 snacks/day. He was still getting bottles all month but yesterday (his 11 month birthday) we attempted the transition to sippy cup! He's already won once getting the bottle, but we're 3 for 4 so I'm hoping we're on the route to dropping bottles!

All was well until about a week ago. I would say 3 of the last 6 nights or so he has woken up screaming. One time it was valid....apparently I didn't put the diaper on quite good enough (his squirminess is to a new level these days) and he had wet himself and his bed. However, the other nights I'm assuming it was teething? Not sure, but really hoping he goes back to being our consistent little 7p-7a sleeper (I hear daylight savings is a beast though...he may be doing 5:30 am stroller rides with Daddy next week!). He's consistently taking a good 1.5-2.5 hour afternoon naps. Morning naps are hit or miss, but he still goes down about 8 and may play in bed or sleep for 45 minutes or so.

The squealing is back. Oh, is it back. So much so that they now take him out of the class at MDO during naptime b/c he will wake the other kids up. I had a talk with his teacher yesterday about it,  I'm sure the first of many parent/teacher talks :). Of course being a SLP, I am constantly trying to think of ways to help him communicate in ways OTHER than screaming. But, it's effective...and he's a smart little guy so why change if it works? We try ignoring but it is very difficult to ignore. Grr. He does now consistently sign "eat" and wave hi/bye. He is about 70% of the time able to sign "all done" in his own little way which is very similar to waving bye :). He  will babble with phonemes /b, /d/, /n/, and /m/ and I think is inconsistently using /dada/ to refer to Caleb--only when Caleb is in the room. Otherwise, the block is /dada/, the cheerio is /dada/, etc. He is crawling everywhere, cruising the furniture, and will go from coffee table to couch without bending down. He is a climber--will climb all the way up the stairs and up his little slide. His new thing this month is bathrooms. I'm not sure what it is, but he LOVES bathrooms. The toilet flushing, the toilet paper roll, the handles on the vanity that he can pull up on, the faucets going. If you open the door to the bathroom he will get the biggest grin and immediately crawl in. He also now knows that after dinner he gets a bath. The other night after dinner we went up to his room to get something but was going to wait on the bath. The boy crawled to the bathroom door, pulled up, and waited. When I picked him up to bring him back downstairs he started screaming and kicking. I think he had his first (of many I'm sure!) tantrum :). We are loving the cooler weather and he loves to be outside. Our neighbors have an outdoor baby swing in their front yard they let us use, so we go over and swing in that a minimum of once/day.

Praise the Lord he is one healthy baby and we have had no bouts of asthma all month! That oral steroid worked its miracle! We still do flovent 2x/day for prevention, have a f/u appt with the pulmonologist Monday. 2 upper teeth, 3 lower teeth, lots of drooling.

A general look at our schedule these days:
6:45: wake up, Caleb gives bottle, gets him dressed, gives inhaler puffs, and plays while Mommy makes breakfast
7:30: breakfast
8: Carter morning nap (or quiet time in crib!) , Mommy does Bible study/gets ready for day
9: snack
9:15-11:30: play/errands
1145: lunch then play
12:30-2:30: nap
2:30: bottle/snack
2:45-5:30: play
5:30: dinner
6: bath, play
6:45: daddy gets home! more playtime!
7:15: bottle, read books, prayers, bed

Of course it's not always that structured,  but that's generally the sequence of events. We have playgroup on Mondays which we go to about 50% of the time, other times we just need some time at home or Mommy needs to use that time for errands. Every other Wednesday we go visit our friends at the nursing home--Carter LOVES this and all the attention and of course they love their baby therapy! Tuesdays and Thursdays he has MDO from 9-2:30 and Fridays we typically try not to schedule anything so we can just hang out :).

I feel like I always have SO much to write...but I love having this chronicle because I already find myself going back for reference.

11 month pics:

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