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Friday, November 11, 2011

Joy, yes. Peace...not so much

Last night Carter was especially needy, especially from 4-7 pm. If I was not trying to keep him awake until Caleb got home, he would have been in bed by 6 pm. It was one of those nights---lots of screeching, holding onto my legs as I attempt to make dinner, crying anytime I put him down. Whew. So, Caleb gets home and usually a new energy switch goes off and Carter becomes so happy because he LOVES being around Daddy. He definitely got happier for a while so we attempted to all sit down and eat dinner together. Carter quickly let us know that he was not about sitting in his highchair eating puffs (he eats his dinner about an hour earlier) by screeching, pushing puffs off the tray, throwing his sippy on the floor etc, so Caleb went and put him to bed. Caleb came down and said "now we can eat dinner in peace" and I jokingly replied "Carter doesn't bring you peace?".  I loved his reply..."joy, yes. peace? not so much". Hence the title of the post and getting these everyday  moments on the blog. Carter's definitely been testing my patience this week but he does bring so much joy to our life and we wouldn't have it any other way. Cherishing life as a family of 3 with an 11 month old :).

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