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Sunday, May 6, 2012

17 months!

Stats: 23ish lbs (at dr office with clothes on), size 4 diapers, 12-18 month tops, 9-12 mos shorts/pants

Carter does not like leftovers. He will devour a freshly cooked meal, I'll put some in a tupperware, heat it up the very next night and he wants nothing to do with it. Let's just say he's gone to bed hungry a few nights this month b/c Mama is not making fresh cooked meals every night and we can't get in a no-leftover habits this young! He's funny--loves canned green beans, won't touch frozen or fresh. He likes strong flavors--so long are the days of freshly steamed veggies to do the trick, they now need butter, or basil, or to be grilled in a marinade. He's not a huge breakfast eater but definitely makes up for it with lunch and dinner. He quit drinking milk in the mornings, but I've learned the only time he really wants his milk is when he's tired. So, he now gets an 8 ounce cup of milk before nap and before bed and will pretty much drink it all.

Gross Motor: Now insists on running everywhere but his mind is going faster than his body--so this has been a month for lots and lots of falls, bruises, and bloody noses. I think he has a pretty good fall atleast once a day. I've called the doctor twice this month and have had to look for signs of concussion (pupil dilation, throwing up, etc) and we went into Pediatric After Hours last weekend due to a suspected broken leg as he couldn't walk, bear weight after he was trampled on by a big kid on an inflatable toy. Thankfully, it was just a sprained ankle and after 3 days he was back to his normal, busy, active self.
Fine Motor: Still uses both hands but is quickly gaining dexterity. This past week he unlatched the latch on the flour canister, spilling flour everywhere (after dropping it on his foot...lovely). He can wind the knob to his jack in the box and will pretty much push anything that resembles a button to see what will happen :).
Language. Receptively, we have to be careful because he understands way more than I think! Expressively, he's learning new words almost every day! Some of his favorite words these days: yeah, wawa (for water), uh oh, cracker, nana (banana), boca (mouth), night night. He still signs please, eat, and all done. He can't say "no" but has started shaking his head (and pretty much his whole body) to say no. This is also how I know he understands so much--Carter, do you want to go night night? No. etc, etc, etc. :).
Behavior: Let's just say I finished "Parenting the Strong Willed Child" in 2 days and have read "Parenting with Love and Logic for Early Childhood" 2 times already. Whew, it's beginning. I love his passion and fully respect his discovering his independence, but man it's hard to figure out how to discipline and create boundaries without crushing his spirit. We're really working on using the language "good choice" and "bad choice" and trying to let him learn from natural consequences. He's definitely got his temper and he's found that the entryway between the coat closet and the door is his place to go for a tantrum (his thing, not mine!). He will sometimes throw himself on the floor, other times bang his head against the wall (Caleb asked me if he's "past the age where we think he could be showing signs of autism"!) but he wants NOTHING to do with us. I've learned he just needs to let it out so I let him be! The other day he wanted to go to the front yard right after we had gotten home from school/work. I told him "not right now" and woa, ran to his "spot", threw himself on the floor and started SCREAMING. After about 10 minutes of this I walked in and tried to love on him--he wasn't having it .I gave him his blankey and a sippy cup and went to change clothes. Long story short, he is stubborn and screamed for a good 30 minutes. He then decided he was done and realized we weren't going outside, came and got a book, and brought it to me. We sat down, read a book, and all was well again in his world :). I really think this month for the first time he has demonstrated "willfull defiance"--he knows exactly what he's supposed (or not supposed) to do and will look at me and do the opposite. My. goodness, and so it begins! Even though we do see his little temper come out a few times a day, he's mostly a very happy, loving, playful little boy!

Sleeping is 7:30-7 at night and about 12:30-3 during day. No complaints here :).

Some "favorites": making coffee, getting stuff out of the pantry, play-doh, throwing balls, wagon rides, anything with water (water hose, water table, bath, etc), sliding, playing at the park, running, pulling Mommy's shoes off the rack in the closet, playing with the bicycle air pump in the garage, watching Mommy vacuum, lifting the dumptruck back and "riding" the dumptruck, going over to Stephen and Diana's, lights (turning off and on), loud noises (vacuum, coffee grinding, lawnmower), books (we read atleast 20 books/day around here!), JoJo Bunny, Daddy walking through the door, putting groceries in the basket...

Dear Carter Boy,
You wear me out but I wouldn't trade a day at home with you for anything. You are constantly on the move and will run anywhere you want to go. You still point to show me what you want--and believe me, you know what you want. I love that about you. We go and go and go all day but at night you still let me rock you and sing to you, and you snuggle up on my shoulder. You're getting pretty big, but you don't fight it--you will sometimes wiggle around to try to get comfortable on my shoulder, but you stay there until I put you in your bed. You now initiate "praying hands" before bed and I pray that you will grow up to be a boy and a man that treasures talking with the Lord. You give me and your daddy so much joy--we love you so much!

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