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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Life lately....

I've totally let the blog go and sometimes feel guilty, but know that life is about to get really crazy and this blog is probably going to lose even more attention....and that's okay. However, there have been some things happen this week that I've told myself "I've got to document that somewhere so I don't forget", here goes it.

I'm now 35 weeks preggo. I'm actually feeling pretty good. Sleeping is definitely getting a little less comfortable, but I'm only getting up about once a night to go to the bathroom---and I definitely know second time around that nights are WAY easier pregnant than with a newborn, so no complaints here. I have experienced my first reflux symptoms this week which I owe to pregnancy, and this never happened with Carter, but also can't really complain. Little man still doesn't have a name *for sure* but I think we're getting close. We've been calling him a name for a week or so and according to me it's sticking--I'm ready to order personalized burp cloths and get his name above the crib, but Caleb is less committed. I did have major nesting day on 12/31. Caleb went to work, Carter went to school, and I stayed home and did MAJOR house transformation from Christmas to baby mode. I haven't done much since, plan on installing car seats and packing hospital bags this weekend....we shall see. I'm so excited to meet our newest little guy but at the same time remember how hard those first few weeks, definitely cherishing these last few weeks of good sleep, routine/schedule, and  no night sweats or pain in places I didn't know I had :).

I think I'm definitely bigger this time around. Weight gain is about the same as with Carter--maybe gain a pound or 2 more so far--but I really don't remember my belly being this big. I don't know what it is though that people just like to comment on it. This week at work was a doozy. In one day I had FOUR different people ask me if I was overdue. My favorite though was a Mom that looked at my belly and said "woa, girl, you are juicy". Juicy?! Not sure how to take it. I love though how when people make the comments on how big I am and how I am going to "pop" any day and then I tell them I have another month they say, "oh, but you're sooo cute", "you're all belly", etc. People, just stick to the cute, you look great comments please :).

On another note, we transitioned Carter to his big boy room the week before Christmas and he did amazing. I will not boast because it has nothing to do with me, he just got it and it has been fabulous. We really transitioned only because we are making his old room the baby's room and wanted to have a good month of him being in his big room before baby came. I was totally expecting to have many nights putting him back in his crib, but nope. The first night he came out once about 30 minutes after we put him down and just stood at the top of the stairs (the gate was up) and said nothing...Caleb walked by and there he was :). Put him back in bed, and didn't get up until morning. Since then, we put child proof handles on his door knobs to "lock" him in his room, just because we're downstairs and I don't love the idea of him roaming around upstairs and us having no idea. He doesn't mind at all and thankfully doesn't see it as punishment. He will get out of bed every once in a while and stand at the door--sometimes will cry, sometimes just stand there and call for us. However, the call back feature on the monitor is the best invention ever. I can peacefully lay in bed, tell him to get back in bed, and he will willingly comply....on the condition that I sing "baa baa black sheep" once he gets in bed. So, on occasion you will hear me at 3 am from my bed singing baa baa black sheep into the monitor and I could care less...I can go right back to sleep and it's glorious!

Instead of trying to 'catch up" the blog, here is life in pics from Carter's bday night to Christmas:

Got the cozy coupe for his birthday and loves it

Favorite birthday dinner--chicken rolls, green beans, and candle? Yes, please!

Figured out how to unzip his Christmas pajamas and oh so proud!

Poor Caleb had def lost the glory in this blog, but he ran his FOURTH marathon on Dec 9 and did amazing. It was horrible weather (very warm) and he didn't hit his goal time, but still did awesome. We are so proud of him!

Top 100 finisher? That's my husband. Yes, he's 1/2 Kenyan.

Unfortunately, Carter was not feeling so good during the marathon and that next day I took him to the doctor. He fell asleep on me. NOT like him at all so I took a pic :). Poor little guy got RSV that ended up causing bilateral pneumonia. It was BAD. He wouldn't eat and all he wanted to do was be held for about 5 days. Thankfully, we avoided oral steroids and he bounced  back in order for Christmas activities!

I finally got him to eat some Chick fil A so had to document it and send it to Caleb that he was eating. 

Had a phase where he wanted to wear these hats we had at his bday party everywhere. Here he is playing with his Little People Nativity. We started the tradition this year of reading the "Advent Book" (I had read about it on another blog and purchased on it. Very appropriate for his age and simple/repetitive, but will use for many years to come) and bringing out a new "piece" of the nativity every night. Carter really seemed to get the Christmas story by the end of it and could tell you about the angel coming to Mary, Mary and Joseph riding a donkey (donk it!) , no room at the "hotel" so Jesus had to sleep on the hay, and the wise men coming and bringing presents. He was very sad when he came home from school 12/31 and this was put away. 

Hat in the grocery store? Sure buddy, pick my battles right? Here he was still sick but could get some smiles.

If he makes "good choices" in the grocery store he gets to ride the trucks at the end. Def worth the overpriced 50 cents!

Yea for feeling better and participating in Christmas activities! This was a little train  in the back yard of a man's house about 15 mins from our house. Carter is so into trains right now and LOVED it! We ended up going twice this year and hope to make it another tradition.

Obligatory visit with Santa. Is it bad that I was really hoping for a screaming , freaked out toddler picture? I knew this would happen though....he's too social and not the freaked out type, so he just looked at Santa and was kinda like "allright Mom, whatever you want".  He didn't really talk to him, just let him do his thing, get the pic, and then we went on our way. I did end up buying the $15 photo (not this one, I took this with my iphone) just because he looks so intrigued and into Santa...and it will be good to put out at Christmas every year :)

He was much more into watching the waterfalls and puppet shows at the mall than see Santa. We made this mall trip all about him--rode the escalators multiple times and did NO shopping :)

Ducks and turtles? Yes, please!

Ok, so I have been horrible about belly pics this time around but did take some so must put them on the blog to chronicle little man. 32 weeks. I'm much bigger now :)

Carter quickly spotted this firetruck when leaving the grocery store. We went to check it out and a REAL fireman was there and invited him to drive the truck. Carter was over the moon excited!

2nd family trip to the train!

playing with the nativity

Daily life, right? Wants to be just like Daddy!

The weekend before Christmas we went to Abilene. My Mamie has been sick and was in the hospital, so we all got hotel rooms in Abilene so we could be close to her this Christmas. Good news was, she got discharged the day that we all got there so we got to spend Ratliff Christmas with her at her home in Roscoe. It was very special. However, we kept our hotels in Abilene and Carter LOVED it. Here he is sharing his chin-cha with Grandpa.

Mommy and Aunt Ali got to relive childhood memories and insist we go to Gatti Town for lunch. It did not disappoint. It was also so amazing that Amanda and her 3 girls just happened to be in town and could meet us. Carter loved it...and rode his first roller coaster that was way too fast for him and loved it! They eventually stopped it because the 4 year old in front of him was screaming, and Carter kept saying more? more? Six Flags is def in our future this summer! Just grow a little taller buddy so you don't have height restrictions and we'll show you the time of your life :)

Amanda and I are due a day apart so took a belly shot :) These boys are going to have fun together!

Carter is still talking about swimming with Daddy in this indoor pool at the hotel!

We got back from Abilene on the 23rd and relaxed at home on Christmas Eve. We took Carter to Christmas Eve service at church and he loved the singing before we sent him to the nursery for the service. How cute is he?!

Afterwards, we went and looked at Christmas lights. He wasn't as into it as I was, but I LOVE Christmas lights!

Santa came!

What is this you ask? Well, at some point Carter decided he wanted an "Elmo potty (pahpay)" and so anytime anyone asked him what he wanted this is what he would say. We have no idea where he got it. He has really not shown any interest in potty training and we've never really shown him potties, so it was out of left field but it stuck for a month. So, I looked up Elmo potty online and there is one...but it got horrible reviews, especially for boys. However, it's the first and only thing he has ever asked for. So, we ended up getting him the highest ranked potty and I decorated it with Elmo stickers. When he saw it Christmas morning he yelled out "Elmo Potty!" and was so excited. Of note, he still hasn't used it correctly, but loves it as a stool!

Trying it out....

Playing cars on the potty...

Loving his new toys!

We had a WHITE Christmas! About 2 pm we looked out and it was snowing. It continued for about 4 hours and was beautiful! Caleb got into the attic and got all of his ski gear out, ready for a fun filled afternoon of playing in the snow with Carter. We got Carter all bundled up, ready to play...and he wanted NOTHING to do with it. Kept saying "wet" and "cold" and wanted to go inside. So, it lasted about 2 minutes :)

Love that Stephen and Diana are right next door....Diana cooked an amazing dinner and MiMi and Great Nana came over to celebrate Christmas and Nana's bday. 

We came back to our place for dessert, coffee, and present opening

Carter was very into present opening this year

Caleb also enjoyed playing with toys!

Happy birthday Great Nana! 

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