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Friday, March 1, 2013

Isaac-1 month

Weight: 10 lb 13 oz (90%)
Length: 22 1/2 in (90%)
Head: 15 in (60%)

0-3 mos clothes, size 1 diapers

Isaac is still such a sweet baby and I'm still loving the snuggles. He has woken up and is more fussy these past 2 ish weeks but typically consoled by swaddling, paci, and the "cradle bounce" in arms. We have a "date" about 1 every afternoon where I lay him on my chest and we both just rest while big bro is playing/"attempting" nap in his room. We also have some sweet time just the 2 of us after his 6 am feed where he falls back asleep on me while I do Bible study and drink coffee while bro is sleeping and Daddy is running. In keeping with tradition:

Very consistent about nursing every 3 hours, typically 9,12,3,6. Will occasionally give a 4 hour stretch. I pump about an hour after 1st morning feed to build up a freezer stash. He takes a bottle about every 1-3 days of 4 oz---seems like a lot but he doesn't spit up, is satisfied, and will be ready to eat 3 hours later. He def likes his bottles warm, but Caleb will still try the cold bottle and hell take it but grimace and frown his way through it :).

Well, not much in this category ;). He iS awake for 1-3 hour stretches 3-4x/day, typically 7-9, 3-5, and 7-9 pm. He likes his swing and bouncy seat for short periods when awake but really prefers being held. He tolerates about 5 mins of tummy time before fighting it. Once we started immersion baths (vs sponge) he is a little fussier and only gets calmed once out and wrapped up in a towel. We go on walks and I've started wearing him more in the ergo and sling.

Still sleeps a lot. Will pretty much sleep anywhere--bassinet, swing, crib, my arms, my bed, etc. He does have awake periods after eating and will be awake up to 2-2.5 hours but sometimes will go right back to sleep. Nighttime is pretty much same as day--eating every 3 hours and many times wanting to be awake after the 3 am feed to play. We need to work on that one, son :).

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