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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy half birthday Isaac!

6 month stats:
Weight: 16 lb, 5 oz (30%)
Length: 28 inches (94%)
Head Circ: 17 inches (30%)

Our sweet littlest guy is half a year old. Man, how time flies! In true fashion....

Typically eats 5x/day, making himself a variable schedule of roughly 6, 9,12, 3:30, 6:30-7. Pretty much nurses most of the time, but does get a 5.5 ounce bottle for daytime feeds when I'm away or we're out and always gets a 7-7.5 oz bottle at night. Still FREAKS out when food is taken away from him. I mean, all out MAD CRY with turning red and holding his breath. This typically lasts about 1-2 minutes and then he realizes he's full and is back to his happy self!

Loves his jumperoo and tot rider 2. Loves to watch Carter's crazy antics. He is putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. Really likes to be eye level--gets mad if you lay him on the ground, and will immediately roll to belly to try to get more eye level. Is still such a happy baby, smiling ear to ear when anybody looks at him. I think we may have another social little guy on our hands :). He also loves music and if I hold his hands, he will bounce his little legs and squeal. No babbling yet, but lots of coos. I love that he wakes up cooing after naps. He hates being put in his carseat, getting food taken away, or being sleepy and not in his bed. He's definitely more active now--always kicking his legs, jumping, wanting to "stand"--does not just snuggle or sit in the lap. This is why I think we went from 75% to 30% in weight--the boy burns his calories (kinda like the other boys in our family!). 

Got attached to his sleepsack while we were in Austin. He doesn't even have to wear it, but uses it as his "chincha"--likes to hold it up to his mouth, smell it, and roll to his side to fall asleep. Still likes white noise. Pretty much takes 3 naps/day but many days will car nap in the morning while we are out and about then take a longer nap when we get home. Ideally, he will wake up to eat at 6, go back to sleep until 7. Then nap 8-845, 12-230, 430-530, and go to bed for night at 730. Again, it's hit or miss because he's outgrowing the nap in the carseat phase, but Carter likes to get out--so, we usually do our outings in the morning which helps them coordinate afternoon naps. The boy loves his sleep and does get fussy when he's sleepy--kinda like his Mama :).

First tooth (bottom left) broke through right at 5 months! Doing awesome with his helmet and love that his little head is getting rounder in the back and thinner in the front. His last appt told us 4-5 more weeks. 

Dear Sweet Isaac Boy,
Oh, how you give me the biggest grin when I come to get you in the mornings. You love attention and love for anyone to look at you. We can be at the grocery store and anytime anyone looks at you, you just give them the biggest smile! You are doing awesome with your helmet, it doesn't seem to phase you at all. I know sometimes you must be so HOT, but as long as you are rested and happy, you don't let the heat phase you at all. You are such a trooper going to all kinds of activities with your big brother--you love to watch the big kids play and it won't be long until you are right there with them! You bring our family so much joy and your smile permeates our home. I pray your joyful spirit stays strong! Love you my sweet sweet baby doll!

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