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Sunday, September 8, 2013

7 months!

Little man loves his milk but is not into baby food. I think he's going to be mr. independent. He loves to feed himself, but doesn't quite have the skills. If mum mums had any nutritional value, we would be golden. However, he wants nothing from a spoon. I've therapized him with nuk brushes and behavioral reinforcements, even had a few "fun" days with "eating utensil play" and oh he will play, but as soon as I try to put that spoon near his mouth he closes those lips so tight and just grunts at me. He will put a spoon in his own mouth but wants nothing on it--not even breastmilk, which the boy never refuses! I will mash up bananas and put them on his tray and he will get smearings in his mouth. Today he tried to eat a banana whole, so I scraped some off and he will eat from my fingers but not a spoon. Grrr. I have to remember he's only 7 months and really shouldn't be getting much baby food anyway, but I'm playing the "movies" considering this is my occupation. He WILL be eating by 12 months and not nursing forever, right?! Speaking of nursing (and for my own personal account of when this happened), my supply did have some issues this month so I took him in for weight checks. He wasn't gaining but wasn't losing, but also had a little cold thrown in there. I'm not too worried, as my supply seems to be back up (and I'm on pump #2!), but I did go through a lot of my frozen stash. I'm not at all against giving him formula, but do have a 'lil mama guilt as Carter was breastfed (got breastmilk, did not nurse past 9 mos) until a year and Isaac has a helmet which is a whole other mama guilt story...
As far as milk, eats 5-6x/day, 6 oz bottles with the 8 oz prize egg at night.

Pretty consistently wakes up at 6 to eat, goes back to sleep until 7:30. Naps 8:30-9:30, 12-3, 4:30-5:30.  This is his preference. He does get toted around to playdates and appointments (and school!), so still gets quite a few car naps. Will not nap in his carseat anymore :(. Still wears the sleep sack. Helmet goes off in 1-2 weeks, will see if that changes sleeping habits at all.

Sits unassisted independently for 45+ mins at a time. Loves his johnny jumper in the doorway. Loves to hold onto your hands and stand. Still very smiley and happy but does not like to be left alone. Carter is good at playing with him so I can go to the bathroom or unload groceries without tears. Started school this past week on Tuesdays, he did great and napped 2 hours! No separation anxiety yet which is nice--at church I can nurse him in between services and take him right back in...that likely won't last much longer but it's nice for now! Sits in his bath chair and loves bathtime with brother--will grab at toys, put them in his mouth and watch Carter's antics. He really does love Carter and I must admit, Carter is very entertaining to watch :). He LOVES to be outside and I can't wait for the weather to cool off + helmet removed!

Bottom 2 teeth are in, seems to get fussy on the day teeth break through but otherwise teething isn't that big of a deal. Did get a little cold and lingering cough about a week ago....the cough is still here, makes me wonder if he's going to have asthma issues?

Dear Sweet Isaac,
Your smile will light up the room. We go visit Grandma Sue at the nursing home and you will smile at EVERYONE that gives you a glance and it absolutely makes their day. You are true baby therapy. You can be fussy sometimes at night but when Daddy walks in the door you give him the biggest grin and get so happy. Daddy calls you his "prince" with your helmet as your crown. You are starting to become Mr. Independent already--not wanting to be snuggled or held, you want to be put on the floor so you can play. However, you don't want to be put in the jumperoo because you know that means I'm leaving you to go do something and you do not like to be my yourself! You still cry when your milk is taken away, but want nothing to do with solid foods. I love your sweet little spirit and pray the joy that you have right now continues throughout your little life. You bring so much joy and light to our home. Love you sweet boy, Mama

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