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Friday, August 17, 2007

Last Semester and Thumbprints

My last "first day" of school was yesterday. I'm taking one class, and it ended up being less than an hour (supposed to be 3 hours) and my mission was accomplished--I got my pass/fail paperwork signed. So, with one class pass/fail and my internship from 8-12 every morning, it's going to be a pretty lax semester. I did get a job working with a family in Highland Park who have 2 boys with autism. So, not only will that give me something to do, but I will be able to make some sort of contribution to the Wood family bank account which is always nice.

Caleb is playing in an ultimate tournament this weekend in Dallas, I'm about to head to Tyler with my cousin and little niece to see my grandmother. It should be good family time.

Caleb wouldn't let me post a picture of his newest "embarrassing moment" momento, but I did want to write it in here just to capture what's going on in our world. Being a young associate, he does lots of document review. Most people probably switch hand and leg positions when concentrating on papers, but not Caleb--even studying in law school, he has his "set position" where he puts each thumb on his forehead right by his eyebrows. So, yesterday his secretary walks in and asks him if it's Ash Wednesday because of the marks on his forehead and he responded "what are you talking about?". After looking in the mirror, he noticed as well....he had popped some blood vessels and he has bruising perfectly fit with his thumbprints. Chelsea and Kate came over last night and tried to help him think of excuses....a frisbee hit him there (well, no....then he would be the uncoordinated frisbee player who can't catch). The best he came up with was they are cleat marks from someone else and he was playing some "mad D". But, no, he has to be honest, and they are his thumbprints.....and unfortunately, did not disappear overnight. Although he thinks it's a bigger deal that anyone else will, I think they're kinda cute, and a good memory that will be forgotten in a week. However, since it's BIG in his life right now, and this blog is supposed to chronicle our daily is now forever written in blogworld.

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