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Sunday, August 26, 2007

And so it begins

My first week of my internship is over, and although it's been busy and tough to get into a routine of going to an internship daily, it's been great. My supervisor is a great teacher, but seems to allow for independence and learning from my own mistakes. Inpatient is very fast-paced and although I can see how you could get burned out easily, I would much prefer a fast-paced job to a boring one. I can't go into a lot of details regarding the patients, but I'm doing mostly feeding on babies with tubes and intense feeding therapy with sensory/behavioral based feeding kiddos. I'm loving it!

I start my new job tomorrow, and I'm excited to begin making money and getting my weekly routine in gear. I got up 4 mornings this past week to go to the gym and then ran 4 miles yesterday. Chelsea and I are running a 10K in Dec, so I decided I better start my training. My goal this week is to workout 5 days (2 runs, 2 strength training, 1 cardio class) and cook 3 healthy dinners. Kate's going away dinner is tomorrow night at Chuy's....yum. That means healthy dinners Tues-Thurs :). This blog will also serve as my accountability in that domain, so I will update.

We went to the drive-in movie last night with community group. I didn't have really high expectations, but we had a blast! They had 50s music playing at the beginning, and then we got out our lawn chairs and blankets and ate ice cream and candy and watched 2 movies! Of course, I fell asleep during the 2nd one, but we had already seen it and ended up leaving early (it's a double feature, but the 2nd movie didn't start until 11ish).

Caleb is struggling with the fact that he's "getting old" and has to take Advil before playing frisbee. Practice is getting more intense, as sectionals are in a couple of weeks. His big epiphany this past week was that cheese fries (his absolute favorite food) have 3500 calories....he still can't believe it. For those wondering, the thumbprints went away after a couple of days, so no more embarrassment there....

1 comment:

Chels said...

You have a comment! Dissapointed about two things: 1) this is my first time to check your blog and the last post was three weeks ago. get it together;) 2) because your last post was so long ago, there is no mention of your parade driving incident. i was looking forward to details on that. love you! and much thanks to Lindie who gave me this address.