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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ultimate peeps....hmmm....

Okay, so one of the main reasons for this blog (other than your personal enjoyment!) is so that I can journal our daily life so that I can look back on memories that I probably would have otherwise forgotten. So, here's an email I received yesterday from a guy that I haven't met that is on my ultimate team. It was halfway between a creepy and "I'm honored" email. Not sure which. I'll show my email that he replied to as well, for context:

My email:

Hey Team!

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not a flake, even though I'm missing the first 2 weeks! I ran a race last weekend that ran late, and I am graduating at noon tomorrow. So, those are my excuses. I will definitely be out there the next week and am looking forward to it!

Julie Wood

His reply:
Julie,What sort of lame swill are you trying to foist over on us?.....Planning and finishing out a race on OUR IMPORTANT OPENING DAY (of practice games).... when were in desperate need of SOMEONE to make some plays during our 2nd game when we were being dinked and hucked to death by the evil heavily impossibly stacked Hot-Tub-Partyer-ers. Our women were giving it everything they had (well not exactly everything...) with Lauren laying out twice in the endzone, making the grab (but, alas....out-of-bounds) ending up a bloody-but-defiant-mess (well she really was bleeding a little from the knees).....well I guess this harague is going on a little long, so we'll switch gears.WE CAN'T BELIEVE you hung us out to dry again a 2nd weekend in a row.....No foot massage and back-rub for you.By the way guys, sorry I missed this past weekend too; I had a REAL excuse, since I was attending my daughter's college graduation ceremonies at noon.Oh, and Julie.....CONGRATULATIONS for obtaining your MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMMUNICATION DISORDERSfrom University of Texas at Dallas (one of the best universities in Texas)this weekend.I have a few pictures of you in your cap and gown regalia; I'll see if I can remember to bring them this weekend.

So, the fact that he remembered my name and took pics, even though I don't know this creepy? or honorable? hmm.....


Lindie Wolf said...


It's Ultimate Frisbee. That's all I have to say about that.

See you SOON!

Chels said...

I'm confused. Why does he have pictures of you graduating?

Mauri said...

Julie- Thanks for the link to your blog... I just started this whole thing myself( I love that you are now on the ultimate bandwagon... Chris and I were just talking about caleb skipping wilson's class in his last quarter for an ultimate game! We're looking forward to seeing you tonight!

Chels said...

seriously, when are you going to grace your loyal readers with pictures from your fun ski trip?! I want to see!