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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What a weekend!

We had a VERY busy weekend this weekend. It was great timing for the digital camera, as I captured most of the weekend! Here's our weekend in pictures:

Saturday morning:
Being the athletes that we are...I was off to Arlington to run my first 10k with Chelsea while Caleb headed to Denton to play in an ultimate tournament. No gametime pictures were taken of Caleb (must read below to find out why!), but I took this pic when he got home. Interesting note: I came in a (very distant!) 2nd in my age group (there were only 6!) while Caleb's team came in 2nd in the tournament. I also won a pedicure/manicure for my time according to Caleb's prize list (to motivate me, Caleb made me a list of prizes based on my 10k time...yes, kinda like "Jump rope for Heart" in elementary school. It was great!).
Saturday night: Game night with community group. Shannon and Sterling didn't even realize that they had won when they did! Here's a picture of them after they realized they won. It was an intense game of Settlers as you can see in the 2nd pic. Also, Shannon's helping me get Caleb more cultured by partaking in traditional American holiday foods/drinks. Caleb tried and enjoyed his FIRST glass of eggnog. Thanks Shannon! I still can't get him to eat pumpkin bread/cake/pie :).

Sunday morning:
Caleb was off to play ultimate again and I was driving up to watch him/take "action" shots when the phone rang....Emily was in labor! So, I went to Royse City to watch Hayden and Harrison so Caleb's parents could go to the hospital. Here Hayden drew a picture of his Mommy having a baby:

Here are Hayden and Harrison playing as we waited for the call to come down to the hospital to see their new baby brother!

At 4:19 p.m., Hudson Taylor Hays arrived into this world weighing 9 lbs and 21 1/2 inches. Here's the proud new family:
And here's Aunt Julie and Uncle Caleb with their first times with Hudson (he wasn't even an hour old!). Note: Everyone else is dressed up b/c they were planning on going to church that morning. I was in my track suit planning on going to an ultimate tournament (Caleb went home and changed)

It was a tiring, but extremely memorable weekend! More pictures (with video) on the way! Get excited! And...another big announcement. Just so much to blog about!

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