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Thursday, January 3, 2008

After much anticipation, our Christmas events......

I think I'm going to do this in 2 sections....pre-Christmas, and Christmas ski trip. We've just had so much fun lately and it's all captured in photos, I can't leave anything out! I will spare you though, and try to just pick 1-2 pics per event :). Caleb will vouch, I take about 10+ pics of everything!
The week before Christmas was filled with fun parties:

-Community group Christmas party/white elephant exchange. Here's Jacob with the coveted white elephant gift from Caleb--a box of disc golf discs! This group is such a blessing to us.

Caleb's Work Party:

Here we are with Brent and Erin. This was a fun party, but not as "swank" as last year's. It was at the Old Red Courthouse. We attempted to take our Christmas card picture with Caleb as the judge and me sitting in his lap, but I don't think anyone would have known what this was :):

Bible Study Christmas Party/Ornament/White Elephant Exchange:

I must admit, I FORGOT my camera at this party! So, I stole this pic from Shannon. But, these girls are my rock in the middle of the week. We laugh, cry, share, and grow together. I learn so much from each of them! Some are becoming Mommies....little Noah Wilson was born just yesterday (the baby showr pic from October). Congratulations Jocelyn and Ricky!

Note: I guess I'm wearing a lot of grey this season, but it's not the same shirt :). One's actually a dress with tights....yes, me, attempting a trend!

Shopping with Nana:

Okay, I've got to work on the arm stretched out pic. And, I think I'm trying too hard not to blink. But, this is a tradition that I wanted to include in the blog. Since I can remember, Nana takes me out for a day of shopping. She may be 76, but she can definitely out-shop me anyday! Here we are taking a break (that I needed!) for cookies :). I love that Nana only lives 2 hours away now (moved from GA this summer). Thanks, Nana, for all the goodies and more for the memories!
Roommate reunion:

Man, I love these girls. We manage to get together about once a year for a reunion. Kate had just gotten back from spending 3-4 mos in Africa 2 days before this and still has her African hair that was AWESOME! You can't tell so much by this pic. It's awesome how the Lord brought us all together 6 years ago and how similar our life was then....and how different our lives are now. All in good ways. 3/4 of us are in the metroplex, but I don't think we'll ever pull Lindie here. Texas maybe?! 2128 for LIFE! Haha...

We drove out to Roscoe the Friday before Christmas to have "Christmas" with the Ratliff fam. We met some friends from law school in Abilene for dinner, and it was great to catch up. No pic...sorry! So, Saturday morning, we took Caleb on a tour of some of my favorite Sweetwater/Roscoe memories. We piled 6 of us in an Oldsmobile (I was in the front middle, yes!), and were off...
1) Doris's Sweet Shop....where it's Jesus' birthday all year long! I have such great memories of this place. For YEARS growing up, my Dad would pull me in the red wagon from our house to Doris's every Saturday morning to get donuts. We wouldn't miss a Saturday we were in town. I remember one Saturday it was icy/snowy, so we attempted to make homemade donuts....but, other than that, it was Doris's. And it was wonderful. Here the 6 of us are eating the best donuts known to man: (sorry it's so dark, no flash!)

We then took him out to Lake Sweetwater, to the boat dock and to the lakehouse. No pics of these, we just drove by...too cold out! Then, off to see the windfarms:

It was sooo windy! But, Caleb and Grandaddy went to take a pic by them. I even layed down on the ground and couldn't get a pic of them and the turbines--they are huge!

Connie, Ali, Al, and Stephen joined us later in the day. We opened presents, ate a LOT, and watched football. Here are Ali and Caleb hanging out on the couch:

Then, Amanda and Kylie came over for a while after a wedding. Amanda went to the reception, but left Kylie with us....she is the cutest little girl ever! Amanda is a great Mom, and I don't get to see them enough :(.

Okay, so that was pre-Christmas. Chels, I will get to ski trip in the next day, I promise! There's just so much to include on that blog, I don't want to miss any of it b/c of tired of blogging :). How sad am I?!

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