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Monday, January 21, 2008

Working=less blogging

I am honored that so many people have asked me to update the blog recently. I love to have loyal readers :). So, here's a quick update on our life:

1) Caleb now works for K&L Gates. It's actually the same people he worked with before, they just merged. So, he now officially has 1500+ attorney coworkers over 3 continents. Sounds big time, but he continues to sit at a desk to do document review for the same cases :). They pay good though....which helps us.....

PUT AN OFFER ON A HOUSE! Yes, if you would have told us this time last week we would be putting an offer on a house today, we would think you were crazy. I wanted to start looking in March, Caleb in December. But, the Lord just opens our eyes when we least expect it! So, we're still waiting and trusting the Lord. But, here's a sneak peek:

I will keep you updated,blogworld.

Everyone knows that Caleb is a man of talents....I mean seriously, in the past week he has 1) played the best game of ultimate frisbee he has ever played 2) played the worst game of ultimate frisbee he has ever played (right after his best, now that's a talent!), 3) calmed down Charlie, the 3 month old inconsolable- to -any- grandmother baby in the church nursery 4) worked 50+ hours doing discovery (well, maybe that's not that exciting) 5) learned real estate! Yes, Caleb spent MLK day at the office as our own personal realtor filling out forms and figuring things out so we could be all "official" with our offer. I'm impressed. You should be too.

As far as me, I love my job! I'm finally becoming independent and having my own patients. It's a really fast pace, which I currently love. I mean, the day just flies by. It also gives me such perspective....just today, I treated a 16 year old that just got out of the ICU after pretty intense chemo. Can't talk. Can't eat. Totally neurologically normal. So sad, but also such a rewarding job, just thinking I may make her life a little easier.

So, that's our life update in a nutshell. I will leave you with pictures of our Saturday night entertainment: dodgeball and kickball with community group. AFTER 4+ hours of ultimate frisbee (hence, why Caleb is wearing running tights and I'm in a long sleeve shirt) . Who's walking funny today from soreness in weird places? It's me! It's me!


1 comment:

Lindie Wolf said...

I'm so excited for you!!!! Congratulations - the house looks beautiful! Can't wait to see it.