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Friday, December 17, 2010

Week 2!

Carter had his 2 week check up at the pediatrician yesterday. He's now 8 lbs, 9 ounces (the goal is to be at birthweight by 2 weeks so check!), 21 1/4 inches. Doctor said he's doing great!

He has a new thing where he acts like he's starving from about 5 pm to 9 pm--he'll literally eat 3 times (for 30 mins each time!) in that 4 hour window, but then SLEEP anywhere from 4-6 hours! Last night I was exhausted and went to bed about 8 pm, Caleb gave him a bottle at 9:30 and he didn't wake up until 3. That's 7 hours of straight sleep for Mommy and it was glorious! I'm a new person today :). 

Caleb went back to work this week and although we miss him, we are sure enjoying the stay at home lifestyle. Here's a few pics of what our week looked like...

Lovin' the bouncy seat. This one actually bounces (vs vibrates) and Carter loves it. He cries when it quits bouncing, I push the button, and voila--he's back to his happy self!

Playtime on the mat. Here is Daddy showing him how to look in the mirror.
He loves playtime with Daddy! Here he is already working out with Dad--Caleb's teaching him how to do push ups!
All dressed and ready for our first time at church! Funny story here...we've learned that it takes us a lot longer to get ready and out the door, so church starts at 9:45. Caleb and I were both dressed and ready by about 8 am. So, we decide we have almost 2 hours--we will get Carter dressed and we'll all head to the traditional Einstein's bagels before church. We get him in this cute tie outfit (thanks Jocelyn!) and we are ready to go....and he poops. So, we change his diaper and in the midst of changing the diaper and pees/poops everywhere. Okay, cute outfit #2 is on, he's in the carseat and we're ready--at 8:45. Still plenty of time! We have a marvelous breakfast at Einstein's, Carter sleeps the entire time, and we get to the church parking lot at about 9:20 so I can feed him before going in. I pick him up out of the carseat and his entire outfit is soaking from the bottom half down. Geez kiddo. So, I'm THAT lady in the women's restroom at church with a screaming 9 day old baby (which thankfully everyone thought was adorable and his newborn cry was "so sweet") attempting to change him/clean him/clean his outfit by myself for the first time. We survived. He ate and we made it into church...granted, we were about 5 minutes late, but we made it. He did wonderful, slept the entire time. Whew.
He loves his nighttime bottles with Daddy (and Mommy loves to go to sleep early while they have this bonding time)!
I love this picture of him as I see this expression/outfit combo quite often. This is his little sleeper he sleeps in every night (it velcroes around to keep him in a tight swaddle) and many times I think he's sleeping, I walk by, and this is what I see--those precious little eyes just peeking out over at me, chill as can be. Love him.

All ready for bed! You can really see the outfit's like a baby straight jacket, but he loves it! We only put him in it to sleep at nighttime. Tight swaddle=happy Carter at night!

Our little chunker. We also spend many many moments each day on this here changing table. We're both becoming more aware of his projectile pee/poop habits, and only once this week did he actually poop all over this table, me (shirt and pants), and the carpet. After that incident, I change him from the side of the table and I'm much quicker with a new diaper handy just in case :).

This is new today....his pacifier! I sure hope it will become a staple (who 2 years I might be blogging about how we can't get him off his pacifier!) as he LOVES it and it really helps to calm him down. However, the past 2 times we've given it to him he's had a difficult time nursing and I've had to give him a bottle. So, I feel like nursing is finally "well established" and we gave him his paci this morning--and he's nursed beautifully 2 times since, so I think the paci might be a winner!

We're all doing great, I'm loving being at home and we're still enamored by our little guy. We're having a ton of fun and thank the Lord daily for baby Carter.


Wilsons said...

SOOOO FUN to see an update! Carter looks fabulous and is a cutie pie! I am glad the two week check up went great :) You are such a pro at Mommyhood Julie!

Kate said...

loved the new update! nothing like some good pee/poop stories to start you out right (o: glad you're getting a little sleep - way to go caleb!

love y'all!

shansmith said...

Glad to hear that everything is going well. Can't wait to see you guys again! Merry Christmas to the new Wood family!