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Thursday, February 3, 2011

2 months

Our little man is 2 months old today. We have our official appointment at the pedi next Monday, so will have to update his stats next week. Here is what our typical day looks like at 2 months:

-wake up and playtime with Daddy between 5-6 am--playtime with Daddy includes morning bottle (so Mommy can sleep!), stretches, watching Sports Center in Daddy's lap, batting at the animals on the playmat, and watching Daddy make silly faces
-Daddy usually dresses Carter and himself and Mommy rolls out of  bed around 7:30 and makes breakfast/coffee
-sometimes Carter will go back to bed for his morning nap or go in the swing while Mommy and Daddy have breakfast. . He LOVES the swing--we will forever be grateful for Amanda bringing the gem to us, it has changed our life! There are birds that circle around at the top and he LOVES to look at the birds. This morning we looked over and he had the biggest grin on his face just looking at the  birds. Caleb says he either loves them or is scared to death they're going to attack them he has to stare them down--I'm sure he loves them ;)
-Daddy goes to work around 7:45-8 and then it's Carter and Mommy time. Even though we're not doing BabyWise, on his own he does the "eat, play, sleep" routine:

EAT: As seen in the pics, Carter is a good little eater. He usually gets a 3.5 ounce bottle from Daddy in the mornings and nurses during the day when we're at home. He is not at all picky--we can give him the bottle freezing cold out of the fridge and the boy will down it in ~10 minutes. He loves his food. You take food away for a sec to do something and he will let you know that is unacceptable by screaming until you give him his food back. I can't wait to see what he does with solids....but we'll wait a few more months for that :).

PLAY: He's getting much more interactive just this week. I will sing and do pat-a-cake with him and he will just grin the whole time. He discovered looking at himself in the mirror and literally did not take his eyes off of himself for 20 minutes, just smiling and talking. He has started cooing--trying to figure out his little voice and how to make it work, and it makes this speech therapist happy :). He sits in the bumbo for 5-10 minutes at a time, loves laying on his back on the playmat and batting the toys, but does NOT like tummy time. I push through it, but oh, he does not like it. We also try to have daily outings--we have scheduled Monday playgroup, Wednesday mall time with Max (so the Mommies can talk and walk!), and Friday grocery shopping. Tuesday and Thursday we will typically run errands or have some other outing. When it's pretty we go for neighborhood walks---in probably another month I'll feel comfortable jogging with him in the jogger, they say to wait until head control is "fully established, typically around 3 months", so I head to the gym sans Carter to get my running fix.

SLEEP: I would say 5 out of 7 nights he gives us a good 6 hour stretch during the night, so we're not complaining. I usually get up with him around 2-3 and then Caleb gets up with him around 5-6.  He usually goes down for a good 2 hour morning nap and 2-3 hour afternoon nap with some 30-40 min naps in between. He's sleeping in his crib for naps but still will not sleep in his crib at night for some reason, but we're working on that. He continues to need to be swaddled or he will wake himself up. I am LOVING the video monitor and it's fun to watch him look around in his crib, kick those little feet in his swaddle, and put himself to sleep. I would say he typically goes down very easily--will fuss less than 5 mins before falling asleep during the day. He's typically awake for 1-2 hour periods then goes back down for a nap. He does have periods of crying/fussing in his sleep so it's nice to watch the monitor and see that he's actually sleeping---I never like to wake a sleeping baby :)

Daddy comes home between 6 and 7 and unfortunately, this is Carter's fussy time. However, the swing has been our saving grace and we're actually able to sit down and eat dinner together most nights (thanks to our lovely friends who bring us meals! you're wonderful and we're now in the routine of eating dinner--not so sure what's going to happen now that they're ending!) vs switching off with Carter while the other one eats. We are still attempting the 5 "S's" to calm him and they're working pretty well. Sidenote: We were at a party the other night with Carter and he was a fusspot, so Caleb swaddled him, put him on his side, and was "shhh"-ing in his ear--he looked up and there were no less than 8 people staring at him and laughing. It was hilarious to observe, but at the same time it was working---Caleb got him to sleep and we were able to partake in games for the next 2 hours :).Carter typically goes to bed around 9:30-10, and the day starts again!

I'm sure this was very boring for most of you to read, but I'm not writing this stuff down anywhere else, so I'm counting on cyberspace to  keep this record so when we have #2 down the road and I can't remember at all what Carter was doing...voila, look at 2 month old post, and here we have it.

Caleb is going skiing next week on a guys trip, so Carter and I are going to load up the car and head to Austin to visit family and friends! 2 month old stats to come, but will leave you with pics:

What Carter does while Mommy and Daddy eat Einstein's before church

Sweet boy

This is what Carter did during his very first birthday party...I'm sure next year will be crazy at the bounce house!
We were sooo happy Amanda and her girls came to visit! We had a blast!

Playing play doh with Diana

Doesn't she look like she needs another one?! Love those girls! Carter will have so much fun with them once he gets a little older :)

Big boy playing in the bumbo

This is our friend Max, we've hung out with him a lot lately! He's 7 weeks older than Carter. This night he came over to play so his parents could go on a date....and this week Carter is going to play so Mommy and Daddy can have date night!

He looks old in this picture--is it this outfit?!

Here are some of his 2 month pictures I took this morning, again....I LOVE his little personality shining through in these pics, so there are plenty of them:

a little wobbly and I love it :)

haha :)

still our little kung fu Carter

allright Mom, I'm done with this--please dress me because it's 9 degrees outside right now!


shansmith said...

He is so adorable! Love that you guys have such a great routine going on. Dinner time with the Woods sounds fabulous. Maybe the Smiths will establish breakfast time?

Unknown said...

I love reading all of your posts! Can't wait to meet Mr. Carter soon!