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Friday, February 18, 2011

Snow Pics and Trip to Austin

The past 2 weeks have been oh so fun around here. The first week of February Dallas had lots of ice and snow--so much so that the schools shut down 4 days straight. Although our life wasn't too different, as Carter and I both enjoy hanging out at home, we did get a little stir crazy being stuck inside for 4 days. Caleb went to work the first 3 days but took off on Friday as the roads were too dangerous. Uncle Stephen attempted to go into work, but that didn't, we had fun family time for the snow day, see pics below.

The following week Caleb went on a guys ski trip so I took Carter to Austin and we had lots of fun times with family and friends. Unfortunately, I didn't get my camera out until the last couple of days, so we have no pics of our day trip to San Antonio to see the Kemp's or Amanda and her girls :(. Also, I would love to post pics of Caleb skiing in here, but seeing that I'm the photographer of the family he came back with ZERO photos of his trip. However, he had a great time and although he has never been so interested in my life while away (Carter brings a whole new element!) and missed Carter like crazy, he was not roughing it and enjoyed 3 days of snowboarding, hearty dinners, and "guy time".

Onto the pics...

Stephen's car got stuck in our alley on the attempt to go into work which resulted in Caleb and Stephen outside with shovels for over an hour trying to get it back in the driveway!

Carter was not liking the snow, but to give the kid a little credit he did start screaming inside about 20 seconds before we made it outside for this pic as it was time for him to eat....and we all know that when he wants his food, he wants it NOW and was not about looking cute in a ridiculous Bevo outfit in 12 degree weather!

We attempted the next day and he was pretty "whatever" about taking the pic. Our family snow pic :)

Looking like such a big boy!

Our first night in Austin. It was Grandpa's birthday so Mommy made a very homemade-looking "Happy Birthday Grandpa" onesie for Carter to wear. Grandpa was happy to see him, but this night Carter was still recovering from shots and the drive and was pretty fussy so we didn't get a great pic of the shirt.

We went to visit the Gillespey familiy on Friday and they ADORE Carter. This is the family I used to babysit for in Austin--the girl holding Carter is now 12, she was 3 months old when I first started babysitting. The girl to her left and the boy in the back were both newborns--I saw both of them when they were born at the hospital. CRAZY how fast they've grown up! We love this family and are so excited to reverse the roles :). They were my parenting practice for over 7 years!

Love my time with Nana. This is his swaddler that is a must for naptime. We learned on the trip if I put him in this and rock him in his carseat, he would typically fall asleep within 5 minutes!

With Aunt Beth...looks like he's fighting the swaddle here!

Playing with Papa

Cousin Sofia entertaining Carter with her "friends". She was so sweet to him!

Chillin' with GrandmaJo

With the great grandparents! Love my  Mamie and Grandaddy!

Aunt Connie feeding Kennedy Kate with the classic "Carter napping" in the back.

My first time to meet Kennedy Kate! She's 2 1/2 weeks, I'm 2 1/2 months. I don't really know what to think here.

Love this pic of Grandaddy with the 2 babies!

With the Mommies

I love this picture. Anytime someone is missing, we hold up a paper plate in their spot---hence, this is where Caleb should be!

Hanging with my Aunt Connie

Playing with Aunt Ali!

Talking with Mamie

And that's a wrap up! I'm soaking in these last weeks as a "full time" stay at home Mom. I go back to work 2 days/week starting March 1st. A much needed weekend of family time is on the books for this weekend with a little Mommy/Daddy running+breakfast date thrown in while Carter plays with Max. The weather is gorgeous and we're looking forward to a little lake running---I haven't been out there since my pregnancy days!

1 comment:

shansmith said...

Have fun tomorrow! Love all the pics! You are a great blogger! Of course Caleb did not take any pics. Sterling would be that way too!