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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Carter's trip to dentist

So we didn't pay for dental insurance for the kiddos so I took Carter to a neighborhood dentist that advertised a $19 special for X-rays/cleaning/exam for patients with no insurance. My expectations were super low and Caleb made me promise to call him before I let them give carter a silver grill ("because that's how these places make their money"-Caleb)  so we were pleasantly surprised. Not only did carter get a clean check up with no cavities, but both bigs left with atleast $19 in goodies--new toothbrushes, paste, floss, sunglasses, rubber light balls, and it goes on! Isaac did not want to see the "tooth doc doc" but was happy to watch curious George on PBS while Carter hammed it up with the dentist and hygienist. Brooks was super happy to be held and watch his brothers/the lights. 3 kids 4&under at dentist was a surprising success! And total bill was $19.44 and NO grill!! Woo hoo!

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