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Thursday, July 29, 2010

This week....

1) I'm 21 weeks pregnant and feeling great, praise the Lord! The heat isn't really getting to me, I'm able to keep running, and sleeping great in my "cocoon" as Caleb calls my maternity pillow my Dad bought me for my bday. Sidenote: my sweet Dad said that he knows how much I've always loved sleep and loved napping and he remembers how my Mom had a hard time sleeping while pregnant, so he surprised me on my bday with a big 'ol maternity pillow which is the most fabulous thing I've experienced in a LONG time!
2) Caleb felt baby boy move for the first time. Typically I'll feel him moving and Caleb will feel my belly for a good 10 seconds, then give up. Thankfully, the other night baby boy was just moving like crazy and Caleb was able to catch him in action!
3) I've "popped". Last night we went for a walk and I was wearing a dri-fit shirt...Caleb said "woa, you really look pregnant". Today 2 girls at work that I see regularly mentioned that I've gotten much bigger this week. I'm taking it all as a compliment and saying we have a healthy, growing boy on our hands.
4) Nana bought our baby bedding--the first big purchase for the nursery! Now if we could only decide on a crib!
5) Caleb and I celebrate our 6 year anniversary. I sure am a lucky girl. When I reflect back on the past 6 years--from Waco and law school livin' to graduate school and Uptown livin' to DINKs and a house with now a baby on the way--I summarize it all as "fun". We just have fun together given whatever situation and whatever the Lord brings our way. Everyone tells me that we will have so much fun with a baby, and I don't doubt them....but to maintain the honesty in the blog, I will say that part of me is sad to lose this part of "us" in a few months. No worries though, we are convinced there will still be TX/OU weekend :)

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