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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3 huge events in 55 hours! Whew, tired just thinking about it!

 December 2nd....we went to Austin to see Aunt Beth marry Uncle Clint! It was such a pretty wedding, but unfortunately I didn't get much captured on my camera. Carter was dealing with a stomach bug+cutting a molar + miserable sleeping which =needy baby in Mama's arms.

Nana and Papa with their 5 grands, love this non-posed shot :)

Our lil family

Harrison could get this boy to smile! Love his hat!
Cannot believe I got ZERO pics of the bride and groom!

The next morning we woke up and it was CARTER"S FIRST BIRTHDAY! I think I already summed this up in a previous post, but here are some pics...
Papa's pancakes for  breakfast

Daddy and Carter both enjoying grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Carter LOVES grilled cheese and Caleb's ritual is to eat grilled cheese pre-runs and this was pre-race!

Lots of playing whatever Carter wanted to play!

My big ONE year old!

And it would not be the 3rd without the monthly photo shoot!

One last birthday present to end the day--thanks for the fridge farm Brown's! He LOVES it (or actually loves to take the magnets off the fridge and throw them on the floor...we're working on putting the magnets back on the fridge, then we'll work on putting them in the farm!)

After Carter went to bed all attention focused on Caleb. He was preparing for a huge race and I felt like his glory of hard training and work was kinda put in the shadows of the wedding and birthday. However, he was mentally and physically prepared. Here's all the clothes all ready to go!

Homemade arm band? Check! Gu? Check!

RACE DAY!! December 4th

Pre race breakfast of champions=frosted flakes. He's watching the weather here.  Wow,  I tried to be positive but the weather was miserable for a runner. Temps were good--40s, but it poured rain all night and it continued to pour sheets of rain all morning. He says it let up a little before the start and for the first few miles, but miles 4-26.2 were complete downpour. 

Carter and I braved the cold, rainy weather to go out and support Daddy! This was taken before the downpour.  It was very different being on the spectator side of the White Rock. Being out there definitely gave me motivation for training, but I can say sipping my Starbucks in the cold cheering on the runners wasn't so bad :).

Okay, so I did not get my camera out anymore to save it from the torrential downpour (not to mention Caleb was running so fast it would have been blurry!), so we have no pics  of Caleb actually running or post-race. Honestly, I think Caleb was so miserable post race we may have needed counseling if I got my camera out and started snapping photos. Let's just say Carter and I saw him and we strolled around a bit before talking to him....then found him outside sick. However, pale-faced and shaking, he said "I got Boston". That's right, folks, in the miserable weather and "no personal records will be made today" schpeels from the anchors on the marathon broadcast, my hubby not only PR'd but ran lightning speed at 3:03. For those faithful readers not into running, this breaks down into a 6:59/mile. Yeah, Carter's 1/2 Kenyan (that's for you, Al Brown!). 

Daddy needed to rest his legs post marathon. Carter didn't really understand...

We made this sign and had it with us in the rain, but Carter was still proud to present it  to Daddy! 

Our fabulous friends hosted a post-race party in their fancy new home. Here's Caleb with his  fellow lawyers/lunch buddies/neighbors/good friends. 

Yea runners! I think this was the first race for everyone except  Caleb! I LOVE seeing people get into running and so proud of Erin who quote "I don't see why anyone would want to run that far" to me just 1.5 years ago. Love she got the bug :)
It was such a busy weekend, but full of so many memories! Bring on December!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Wow! What a big weekend, indeed!! Congrats to you both on keeping the kid alive and happy for a whole year and on the BQ marathon, Caleb!!!