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Friday, December 30, 2011

Training up a child in the way he should go

I feel like Carter hit 12 months and all of a sudden it's like "ok, we're now training him". I know it's not technically a hard switch from infant to toddler, but we are in that transition right now. Parenting thus far I feel like has been relatively "easy" as far as making decisions about what to do--feed him, bathe him, allow good times of rest, keep him clothed/warm, and we're golden. He feels loved.

I was talking to my sister in law Emily over the holidays about all the controversy in Mommy world. It really starts from pregnancy--do you drink caffeine? do you watch your HR when you run? do you eat foods/drinks with aspertame? do you eat deli meat? all the way to natural vs epidural, breastmilk vs formula, cry it out vs sleep training, etc etc. I think it probably will just get more and more intense from here on out, and I feel like the most important thing is that Caleb and I are on the same page, intentionally raising our kids to be responsible and independent, praying that they will focus their hearts on Christ and live lives for Him.

Okay, so that's the long term goal. We're making daily decisions in the short term to get to that long term--training him up in the way of the Lord. Woa, pressure!

Carter is watching us constantly, we're his example. He already will grab the remote, aim it towards the TV, and push buttons. He's realizing his independence and that he can refuse. When there is food on his tray that he doesn't want--he just puts it on the floor. In the past week he's developed a pickiness of food that I never thought I would deal with considering he LOVED all foods in the pureeds stage.All he wants is bananas, strawberries, yogurt, and ritz crackers. He refuses all vegetables and recently most meats. So, Caleb and I have to decide--do we let him "win" or do we let him realize that what is in front of him is dinner and if he doesn't eat it, sorry dude. Hopefully you'll make a better choice next time? Geez, he's only 12 months but again, he's developing habits now and he definitely has cause and effect down--if I sit here and don't eat this chicken and broccoli, eventually I'll get my crackers, so I'll just wait! He's one smart cookie.

He's also definitely got the back arch/squirming thing down so that it is near impossible to hold him if he wants down or strap him in his seat/stroller if he doesn't want in. Ahh...and so it begins! I know most of you with older kids are probably thinking--you.just.wait! I know, I know, it's coming :).

All this to say, the past few days during naptime I've been listening to some Christian podcasts on parenting while doing chores around the house--dorky? probably, but that's my life right now. So, one today was on building responsibility and it gave a website of a list of "age appropriate chores"--and it starts at 9 months! So, here we go, get excited for chores, Carter boy! Here's the resource if any of you are interested:

Naptime is over, so I'm out...

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