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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh, that boy...

The past couple of weeks we've had more rain than normal. I love the rain, especially this time of year when it's tempting to just stay inside, make a hot cup of coffee/tea, and snuggle. Carter was great this time last year at the snuggling and enjoying rainy/cold weather....this year? not so much! He LOVES to go outside. Will point the door and wave bye bye constantly. If I go to the door and let him look out or look out the windows, he will cry/scream. Not good enough!

His birthday was a very rainy day where it pretty much did not stop raining. However, as many people know, my philosophy is--when it's your birthday, you pretty much get what you want. Caleb takes this to a whole new level by asking me to tie his shoes for him or brush his teeth for him "cause it's his birthday". Haha. I digress. So, on Carter's rainy, miserable weather day of a birthday, he wanted to go outside. Did we go? You betcha. Mommy did. Daddy is not much into getting wet and was "resting his legs" for the marathon the next day (man, I have so much to catch up on!). So, multiple times we went outside, dancing and singing "I'm singing in the rain" and he LOVED it. What a good memory of his first birthday--singing, dancing, and being silly in the rain with my happy, giggly, little one year old birthday boy. 

What else did he do on his actual birthday? We woke up at Nana and Papa's house and he ate Papa's famous pancakes--first time for pancakes :). Drove back to Dallas (Aunt Beth got married in Austin Fri night, Daddy ran marathon Sunday, Carter birthday Saturday), stopped at Subway for lunch and Carter got a birthday cookie (first time). He preferred banana over the cookie :). Came home and got lots of 1-1 attention. Mommy and Daddy played with him on the floor, followed him around, let him explore things he usually is prohibited to explore, and sang in the rain. Not too shabby of a first birthday in his little mind , as it was all things Carter :). 

In going with the theme of how I started this post, it was raining last night and Carter wanted to go outside. Nope, not gonna happen when it's pouring rain and it's not your birthday :). He pointed to the door, we looked out, but when we came back to the kitchen he was crying--poor thing doesn't understand and I'm such a tease by letting him look outside but not go outside. He handed me my keys (I thought he was playing his new game--he hands you things and you say thank you) then looked at me and waved bye bye. That little stinker. He was going to find a way to go outside one way or another--if I wasn't going to let him go out the front, then why not go for a car ride? I was impressed by his strategy, but unfortunately for him it didn't work. More pics to come...I promise!

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